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So, I need another leg for my new infra's backup. One leg is at Hetzner, so I need another that is at a different provider.

What are decent EU providers where I could host the other leg? I don't need a full VPS, anything I can send to with restic works.

A bunch of boring things you might want to do soon *if you can*:

Getting your MMR shot reupped*, your passport in order**, all age-appropriate preventive care (mammogram, colonoscopy, cholesterol check), eating more produce, getting established with a primary care doctor, getting prescriptions refilled, making lists of phone numbers, doing whatever strength work your body allows.

This isn’t selfish or non-communitarian. You can’t help others if you get knocked off the board.

politics, humor 

what's the difference between greenland and donald trump

greenland is not for sale

does anyone have experience with doing organized local antifascism (like keeping up with chud orgs in the area and infiltrating them)? i need advice on how to start a project like that. happy to chat on signal or similar if that’s preferred. please boost !!

We went into the spice shop the other day, and on the door where a lot of shops have that "all are welcome here" mass-produced sticker, they had taped up a crayon drawing of a pride flag with a child's signature on the back, and honestly it was so cute I'm still just sitting here thinking about it a week later.

More of that.

Crisis Averted: local catgirl remembers to replace ":3" with "." before sending message in work chat.

Someone please run GoToSocial in a PDF.

Even very low tech societies had substances they used for soap and items for grooming. You're not getting back to nature, you're just being nasty

Hygiene is a fact of life, not a capitalist plot

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I think two things can be true

I think ads designed to make us paranoid about our looks, smells, and overall aesthetics so companies can profit from exploiting our insecurities should be illegal

Also, you do need to brush your teeth and wash your ass

A thing about language that a lot of people don't know is that you can dislike a usage intensely – a pronunciation, a piece of grammar, etc. – without presuming to reject it on behalf of all people, in all places, for all time

#language #words #EnglishUsage #grammar #prescriptivism #LanguageChange

Vanaf nu vind je op onze hoofdpagina dagelijks feitjes uit de historie van de #Efteling. Elke middernacht verschijnen er weer nieuwe op

newsposting best practices 

/spread information, not panic/ is a good principle

always note in the CW whether and for whom the news is actionable

Authoritarian BS is the root of the problem. Incredibly stunted "dominate or be dominated!!!" worldviews…take hold in the some, rather than understanding that interconnections and diversity are the foundations. of. life. itself. on this planet.

I want to live in a collaboration focused world, and the only thing standing in the way of that is a bunch pigs who believe in force, their propaganda, and socialized/brainwashed folks who buy into that shit at varying levels.

check your biases.

Voor mijn volgers uit Leiden. Als jullie deze kat zien, geef een gil. Hij is al een week weg en mijn vriendin mist Mees enorm. Ze is slecht ter been kan zelf niet zoeken. Hij is een beetje schuw.
Omgeving Morskade (brug tussen Leiden Zuidwest en De Mors).

(Dierenambulance etc etc zijn allemaal geïnformeerd).

UPDATE: na drie weken is Mees binnen komen lopen!

Calling #librarians and #GLAM-experts who would be up to advise @SafeguardingResearch:

We are designing a dataset catalogue for sharing data using torrents. It needs to be as simple as possible but no simpler. We need review of our metadata schema by an expert to make sure we haven't missed essential things.
See: safeguarding-research.discours

#DigitalHumanities #OpenBiblio et al.

The fact that the Internet Archive is hosted (legally & physically) in the USA is now a risk factor

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.