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my take on access to HRT, including DIY and minors 

It should go without saying but apparently it might not be as obvious as i thought

But I believe that access to HRT is a fundamental right of every consenting individual who wishes to use it, with no "if"s or "but"s

That includes those who do not wish to interact with the medical system for *any reason* and minors when it comes to puberty blockers *and* hormones

Including DIY

This is not an invitation for discussion, if you don't agree with this I can only invite you to kindly unfollow right now

Onlangs kreeg ik het goede nieuws dat de VU mijn promotieonderzoeksvoorstel heeft goedgekeurd. Mijn (fenomenologisch) onderzoek richt zich op de invloed van digitale technologie op leraar-zijn.
▪️ Ik wil begrijpen hoe leraren deze veranderingen beleven en hoe technologie hun pedagogisch handelen beïnvloedt. Dat doe ik door leraren te interviewen over onverwachte gebeurtenissen waarin technologie 'onderbreekt'.
▪️ Ik ben op zoek naar scholen (po en vo). Interesse?

who is going to be the first person to get a fedi instance running on an esp32

Mijn collega Stijn heeft een nieuwe windwijzer gemaakt in de vorm van een klein molentje. Het is een kopie van een windwijzer van molen de Eenhoorn in Schalkwijk.

Er zijn vandaag ook twee molenaarsleerlingen van poldermolen de Rijnenburger op bezoek.

Techbros are just bullies who can write code.

The way you help to build a better internet, is to stop giving power to bullies.

A certain well-known person (who I shall not name) recently implied that only “techbros” code for the #Fediverse.

That person is sadly mistaken.

#Sharkey is coded by a woman. #Frequency is coded by a woman. Most of the co-authors of #ActivityPub are women.

Stop spreading the myth that only men build the Fediverse.

There was a post going around bsky that said "you are disturbingly susceptible to propaganda" and it's funny how many people were quoting it with "yeah all my friends are swallowing propaganda whole unlike me who knows that [easily debunked popular belief]"

In hindsight, all those startups framing their apps as "changing the world" should have been a bigger warning sign.

so the list of weird places that people have run / are running #GoToSocial instances, that we know about, now includes:

on a phone
on a car
on an arpa domain
on a meta quest 3 headset
various people have done it on their NAS
on a router

any more that I missed?


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As someone who was a waitress for years making $2.13 an hour, the way this owner/manager salivates talking about this robot is gross.

"Pearl works seven days a week, she never needs a day off, she works doubles, and she works for about $2.50 an hour."

The thing that gets me about the assistants on our phones is that all our applications are opted in by default. We have to actively opt out and disable. Ok not just phones ... Just everything.

Because developers know folks won't turn on settings to opt in. So those settings are switched on.

If your model is dependent on automatically opted in functionality, you've told me about your values. You don't respect the idea of full consent. It's a predatory practice.

I want no part of it.

Putting a quarter in a slot, hearing the familiar sequence of tinny mechanical clicks and swoops as it traverses the mech, swings the cradle, bounces past the magnet, flicks the microswitch, but where's the little *tish* at the end? Why don't I hear it landing in the cash bucket with all the rest of the money?

I call the tech over to open the coin door and clear the jam and who the hell do we find squatting in there just curling his fingers closed around the coin, but Peter Bloody Thiel again. He blinks in the light and hisses and scurries off into the depths of the machine. He'll have made his nest around the ballast for the marquee I bet, they always do, they like to nest where it's warm

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I really wish cryptocurrency was real. Like, I wish it wasn't a world-boiling pyramid scheme, but just a thing that let me send a penny to the author of whatever silly gay webcomic I'm reading whenever they post a new page, and have that penny actually arrive to them

If someone wants to send me a quarter, I don't get that quarter, Peter Thiel gets the quarter, it just disappears. Someone sends me a dollar, I get 47 cents.

Someone puts a quarter in the slot of one of my games, that quarter's mine now. I should be able to earn a living by asking thousands of people for a quarter every now and then

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be able to accept criticism! quit mangling AAVE and trynna be cute with it like people keep asking you to! fix the bugs in yr app!

all this opportunity and he out here blowing it...and for why? i don't get it. ennyway, that's enough. still wanna hear that sad mixtape tho :ABlobCatSipZoom:

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this whole pixelfed jazz has me absolutely cackling due to the absurdity and unmitigated gall, but at the same time it's kinna like

According to the UN, 1 cake is roughly equivalent to 1 tablet

Who knows a good way to send and receive money online* that doesn't give any money to Peter Thiel?

* in such a way that a PHP script can be triggered based on transaction data
* that normal people who want to give me money can use, e.g. they don't have to learn anything or install an app
* that isn't a scam or use a lot of energy

* needs to be available and usable in the US, UK, EU and Australia
* liberapay isn't a payment processor, it's like patreon, it's just an abstraction layer over an existing payment processor (paypal and stripe, both thiel again), I need a payment processor
* monero is cryptocurrency, I need real money
* GNU Taler isn't real and was never real and will never be real

I'm gonna end up working with SOME kind of bastard, obviously, but there's bastards and there's bastards y'know

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