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"Everyone is failing! Someone must _______ immediately!"

Comrade I don't know how to tell you this in a non-asshole way, but "someone" is *you*. That's where we're at. Find people doing the work you want to see and help them.

Meta, garbage techbro quote 

'I care about user counts because a social network is only as useful as its network effect.'


Welcome this episode of "Ask Mastodon".

I'm looking for a good web based RSS reader.

1) Web based
2) Not Feedly
3) Not self-hosted
4) Not filled with AI bullshit

Please read criteria carefully before replying.

I *really* didn't want to stuff the menu full of fully-rendered forms for different operations, hence needing a popover that only asks for details when the user actually wants to take a particular action

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Good morning! On this first Tuesday in February, you are all invited to read through Wikipedia’s List of common misconceptions ( per ancient xkcd custom.

#xkcd #xkcd843 #misconceptions #Wikipedia

Also, the 'cloned' text in the wrapper element is in an aria-hidden element, of course; I haven't quite figured out the correct ARIA roles for the expanding button (given that it's kind of a button but also kind of a summary). Suggestions welcome!

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Here's a #Fediverse scraper counter and I love this thing! It's so hard for people to understand that not. Everyone. Wants. To. Be. Content. For. You.

#TechBro #TechBros #Privacy

TIL that the reddit community "Eyebleach" is about sharing cute things to cleanse your eyes / psyche, not about posting things that require you to cleanse your eyes / psyche / take psychic damage

The trick is that the <details> is contained within a wrapper div with identical styling to the <summary> (ie. the 'button') and identical text contents, except the wrapper div is invisible and position:relative, with the <details> being position:absolute and anchored against the wrapper's top left corner.

This means that the wrapper essentially 'reserves' the space for the button, while the <details> element can freely expand without disrupting anything because its absolute positioning takes it out of the content flow

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A lot of CSS hackery later, and I've managed to construct a popover dialog using a <details> element that doesn't disrupt the button order and also doesn't require any JS to work!

dansup meta 

we need less techbros building big tech only with added federation

fellow miners & crafters, I took the time to write down all my minecraft related bookmarks that I've been using over the years.

from websites where you can download resourcepacks, datapacks, and mods - all the way to tools with which you can generate maps, commands, block-palettes and more!

make sure to check out the respective project's linked patreon & ko-fi sites if you have some money to spare to keep those tools alive :thx:


re: uspol, trans, prisons (MORE good news) 

BREAKING: A federal judge has blocked President Trump's executive order forcibly to detransition trans women inmates and transfer them to men's prisons, citing the 8th amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

Original post:

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Jesus christ dansup just shut the fuck up please


A bunch of people owe me an apology for saying I was overreacting, paranoid, blackpilled, and even ‘acting depressed’ when I said this was the logical consequence of the EO issued. I don’t think any of them will apologize and I’d much rather not have been right.


If you got some bandwidth to share and want to help archive the web, set up an ArchiveTeam Warrior docker. It will download stuff and upload it to the Internet Archive. They and I recommend to use "ArchiveTeam's Choice", but you can set it work on specific projects like "US Government".

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.