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attention canines of the fediverse 

*throws a tennis ball across the federated timeline*

As someone currently homeless due to climate disaster and hasn't gotten much help, I want to remind y'all to pay special attention to the single and especially the single disabled who are being displaced now.

Everyone wants to help "families". Please remember the people that don't have those.

I'm looking to join or start a group for #blind #nonbinary people. Does anyone know if something like that exists? Boosts appreciated.


telling your friends how lovely they are
being kind to and empathetic with others
volume levels

It's been a rough few days. Better now. Here, I took a picture from the train (again).

Conspiracy seed, tech leaders and drug supply 

So, here's the theory. There is one person who supplies all the ketamine for all the tech bros. They've decided to pull the plug and are therefore increasingly tainting the supply. Elmo was the first to break fully from reality, now Zuck and Thiel. Lately they're snorting nothing but baking soda and strichnine, but it turns out they have managed to build up an immunity like the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Ooft this 2010 post was right on the money about Matt Mullenweg and WordPress - the comments have aged like milk in the sun

today in "forgetting dutch exists": this ocr software has word-usage probability models for different historical variants of english, several dead germainc languages, pretty much every other world language, and... exactly 0 models for dutch

Het valt me op dat Nederlanders echt heel krampachtig doen over sociale interactie met iemand met een mondkapje op. Alsof je dan niet kunt praten ofzo.

when I'm prime minister I will ban all news articles about a medical condition that aren't written by or involve someone with that medical condition

— signed, an autistic trans woman with ADHD who can't possibly be happy according to the newspapers

Amused that the factory for Royal Dutch Gazelle is in a town called Dieren

Pretty please can we get rid of this "libraries make software slow" myth already? It wasn't true a decade ago, it's still not true today, but for some fucking reason this belief still keeps singing around

Owning a #corgi has been a journey of discovery. They seem to get hung up on very specific things... and they're very random!

Waffle's alarm goes off when we mimic the sound of warp cores, or when we speak through a cardboard tube or hose.

So I asked other corgi owners: what sets off your corgi's alarm system?

Amongst the standard replies of postmen, delivery vehicles, and fireworks were some ABSOLUTE GEMS I'm going to share with you below.

If you've got #corgis, please add to the list 🧵

studying for the red hat sysadmin cert is wild. half the stuff i read is like

The spooling service can be configured with bifrp (Bob's Improved Fropp, a fork of AT&T's Fropp2 that incorporates the Bell Labs Frepp extensions). bifrp reads its settings from /etc/bifrp.cfg. Example syntax:

! Spool all incoming cloves with intrigue 4 or higher to the mop daemon
>4?$ ::MOP::

! Unspool all cloves from the legacy modem bouquet
<$?modem ::$::

! Write user passwords in plaintext to the globally readable log file (this is the default)
-compatible ON

You can also configure spooling with systemd.

I like that the Netherlands gets to share ducks and geese with the UK. There's a few ducks and geese that migrate between Scotland and the Netherlands and I wish I could send letters with them like "Hoi, Scotland! How are your fluffy cows doing?" and they could write back, "Hi, Netherlands! They are well. How is the green parrot invasion treating you?"

It could be good fun.

#Glasgow #Amsterdam

people on the support forums and subreddit have asked about hosting apps on their own IP, and are told it isn't supported and without fail there's always a series of incredulous "why would you want to do that?" bullshit replies as per usual for any kind of linux community support

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Met ons zelf-georganiseerd buurtcentrum willen we eigenlijk weg bij meta. Maar we zijn pas een paar maanden bezig, en ons publiek nog aan het opbouwen. En dus vinden we dat moeilijk. We promoten evenementjes, maar bijvoorbeeld ook ons wekelijkse eetcafe op feestboek en insta, en dat werkt goed. Ook op whatsapp organiseren en promoten we.
Maar goed, het is een fasjistebende, dus past het niet echt bij ons. Dus, iemand tips hoe we succesvol kunnen ontmeta'en?

Signal is leuk, mastodon ook, maar uiteindelijk nog helaas heel marginaal en een enorme drempel. "Wil je vrijwilligen? Leuk! Installeer deze obscure app waar geen van je contacten op zit zodat we met je kunnen praten!"
Ook een eigen website is leuk, maar dan moeten mensen actief kiezen om te kijken wat er hier te doen is.
En ook flyeren en posteren is leuk, maar is ook een hoop meer arbeid..

Dus, tips en ervaringen gezocht om een lokale community op te bouwen en te promoten, die zo min mogelijk extra drempels opwerpt, en ook niet teveel menskracht.

Photo is a bit fuzzier than I had hoped, but there is only so much you can do from a moving train with a cheap smartphone :P

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Encountered some rays from the clouds on my way to the hospital

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.