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Hospital lifehack: ask for a thermos of hot water in your room, so you have tea at your disposal all day

I've (finally) added a Code of Conduct to Catima.

I've always been hesitant about adding one. Not because I disagree with the concept but because I've had negative experiences in FOSS spaces where a CoC was supposed to protect but wasn't enforced. I always worried I wouldn't be able to do enough and cause pain.

I learned now that I do enough, more than most people. And in a society where some companies are writing down that hate is OK, it is time to explicitly state: abuse is not tolerated.

“Another day of stochastic harassment for old time’s sake – Hi, I'm Heather Burns”

From the original blog post you might think Matt Mullenweg was just reacting excessively to a fork, but the fork doesn't exist and the account removals are just years' old spite

@wmd nouja, we noemen ons niet anarchistisch omdat niet iedereen hier anarchist is. Sterker nog, een paar maar. Dat ze niet doorhebben dat 'actieve solidariteit' en 'horizontaal cooperatief georganiseerd collectief' eigenlijk anarchisme is, dat zeggen we hier in de organisatie niet te hardop ;)

Naar buiten toe zijn er nogmaals twee overwegingen om niet te subcultureel te doen:
- er is gewoon weinig subcultuur hier. Als er een autonoompje door de stad loopt is dat nieuwswaardig.
- we zien een hoop kracht in wel de principes uitdragen, vegan bio queervriendelijk antifa en de hele shebang, zonder de afschrikkende drempel van boze leuzen en lompe punk. Door een toegankelijke space te bouwen waarin je dat soort principes als heel normaal doorvoert, wordt het voor meer mensen ook normaler.

Dat gezegd hebbende voel ik me nog steeds heel erg thuis in knoflook of andere plekken vol graff en tiefusherrie, maar denk ik ook dat er daarnaast ruimtes nodig zijn die minder radicaal ogen maar het niet zijn :)

Software engineers: CAPITAL IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. You are not a billionaire; you are a worker. Rich investors are trying to take your livelihood away any way they can to keep more money in their pockets. Don’t be smug because you make more money than the median; your worth is smaller than a rounding error on any given billionaire’s spreadsheet.

I repeat: YOU ARE A WORKER. Stand with your fellow workers AGAINST capital. Capitalists and billionaires make life worse for others. They’ve been coming after other workers; and now they’re coming after YOU.

#workers #softwareEngineering #solidarity #unionize

covid masking 

took 5 minutes to made fun of for wearing a mask :/

enjoy not being able to play football in your thirties weirdo lol

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@gnomon I'm not sure how long it will take before it stops being funny to me but the novelty is already lasting longer than I expected

ph+, kidney transplant 

This will be the final time that my kidneys will travel home together (@ IC 2984 ➜ Utrecht Centraal) #NowTräwelling

Hi, ik ben nieuw hier. Ik ben benieuwd wat ik hier aantref. Ik ben vooral geïnteresseerd in contact met #nonbinaire personen.

me: i’ve single-handedly written software used by tens of millions of people, you can see it right over at

prospective employers: sorry, but unfortunately you did poorly in a high-stress 40-minute coding exercise, writing code with no time to think about how to solve a problem you’ve never seen before, in a terrible dev environment, while someone stares at you the whole time

Whenever people tell me to 'have more reasonable expectations from people', by which they really mean "don't expect more from people than others do", I can't help but think...

Look at the world around you. Does it really look like a desirable outcome to you? How 'reasonable' is the standard set of expectations really, if this is what it results in? Why *aren't you* setting higher expectations from your peers?

So that's enough about #Meta, #Facebook and #Zuckerberg for now. There are more things going on on this planet and beyond.

Facebook/Meta has been a problem since their start. I'm trying, helping and fighting for better Facebook alternatives since I think 2012. It's not fun that people do not take you serious, only because they are the ones vulnerable to peer pressure and commercial propaganda. It's also not fun being right all the time and then seeing everyone return to their big tech overlords after a while over and over again.

I might've given it some slack here given that I'm using headscale and some network fuckery was involved, except for the fact that it provided *zero* error feedback, there is no verbose flag in the client, and it magically started working without explanation later despite changing no settings

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This might sound crazy but everything we need to live like we do today still exists without money btw

Note to self: Tailscale *does not* pass my 10 minute test (can I use it for 10 minutes without running into a problem)

X and meta are generic terms. When you use them to refer to Twitter and Facebook you evade my filters.

I'm starting to unfollow and mute accounts that do this, which unfortunately includes some of my mutuals.

If you are posting a headline that refers to Facebook as "Meta" please at least put the word Facebook in the post so I don't have to see it.

You're not paid by Musk or Zuckerberg, so please don't do their rebranding work for them.

#X #Meta #Facebook #Twitter

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