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Follow up:

You have been masked most of the time.

Perhaps it is a little bit early to ask:
Did you get sick during or after #38C3 ?

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Maske getragen?
Did you do the Congress masked?

#RetroFlash: PCGA-TKN1 #Sony #Vaio

Yes, it is exactly what you think it is:

an additional number pad you can flip out of the #notebook bay:

maaan stuff that says "contact poison control if swallowed" shouldn't ever be packaged in toothpaste style tubes what the fuck

I really enjoy #Faircamp as an easy site generator for my music. It runs with or without javascript, and generate fast flat files pages for all my audio simply from the folder hierarchy, it also generate rss, and can plugin into donation/money system to resell the music easily.

Now I would love to find a similar project for an Image Gallery.

- A flat file, gallery generator
- Uses folders and sub-folders
- Works with and without Javascript (this seems like a difficult thing)
- Easy mobile site
- Rss creation
- Uses the command line
- Run in linux
- Options to print the artwork on posters or stickers (maybe?)

I've tried a few tools so far, but they all have one or more limitations, none hitting all the points mentioned here.

I'd love to ask the fediverse is there is such a tool! Boost appreciated!

#theLobby #gallery #art #staticsite #cli

terfs being cowards 

today saw a terf say that she believes trans women are "men" but doesn't say so bluntly out of politeness.

see? they're afraid. we can win.

Get in the habit of bringing up accessibility at meetings, in stand-ups, and in demos. Bring up things you've done to address accessibility. Likewise, don't be afraid to ask, "Have we tested this on a keyboard?" or "What's the experience like on a screen reader?"

Realizing how the antiblackness of the fediverse shapes how I think about it on some very fundamental levels

I'm never going to think of defederation/instances not being able to talk to each other as a real problem, because when Black ex-twitter users experienced racism, we were told "well just go to a different instance."

So *clearly* the idea that "I *have* to be on *this particular server* otherwise I'm *losing my community & connections*" isn't really........real. Lol.

youtube drama? 

Ended up on the LTT subreddit by accident, on a thread about the Honey scam, and all I can say is: what on earth is going on there?

Everybody there seems to be losing their shit about MegaLag's video supposedly being a hit piece on LTT and I have to wonder whether they saw an entirely different video than I did, because I'm not sure anyone outside of that community is perceiving it as such. Far as I can tell there was some mild criticism in the video about LTT not denouncing their sponsor more clearly and that's it?

We’ve been led to believe that repeat Covid infections are:

1) inevitable
2) good for us & “building immunity”
3) mild unless you’re “vulnerable”

None of it’s true. A well fitted respirator offers excellent protection against COVID.

It’s virus soup out there. Sick of being sick? Mask up!

“Kin had no app store and no third-party apps could be installed on the phones.[43] PC World described this as "baffling".[35] Further, the web browser did not support Flash web applications,[44] and there were no games for the phones.[44]”

the opposite of the n-gage, “got any games on your phone?” “absolutely not”

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fedi thought, sort of meta 

The 'emergent communities' mechanism of fedi is kinda neat, like how communities form from mutual relations without clear boundaries, however it also means that there's no way to say "this community is at its maximum sustainable size, we are not accepting any new members" and that's a problem actually

"intelligence" is a fake category that pretends "fluency in White social etiquette" is an objective quality of the brain

The fact that lotsa pharmacies keep home covid tests behind the counter is an indication of something to do with how valuable they are/how your health is gatekept, regardless of the not-exorbitant price

Triquerta (Infinity Knot) art installation at #38C3

Higher resolution version at

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.