
youtube drama? 

Ended up on the LTT subreddit by accident, on a thread about the Honey scam, and all I can say is: what on earth is going on there?

Everybody there seems to be losing their shit about MegaLag's video supposedly being a hit piece on LTT and I have to wonder whether they saw an entirely different video than I did, because I'm not sure anyone outside of that community is perceiving it as such. Far as I can tell there was some mild criticism in the video about LTT not denouncing their sponsor more clearly and that's it?

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youtube drama? 

@joepie91 Quite a few of the youtube content creators seem to be reacting to this, so maybe it's just a higher level of expectations than usual because of "peer pressure"?

In any case, I think the outrage is pointless because so many of the sponsors are super scammy, so drawing the line at honey seems.. odd

youtube drama? 

@rune That's something I'm honestly not too concerned with - it's difficult enough to get people to care about *any* kind of scammery that I'm happy *something* made the cut, even if the reason is probably just that this one affected creators too

youtube drama? 

@joepie91 That seems plausible. I just don't think it will result in any actual change or introspection since the videos are so focused on honey without immediately addressing all the other shady sponsors.

Maybe I'm just jaded

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