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I'm sure a lot of web folk are going to say "wow you're late to the party" but the fact that the <h1> tag's text size shrinks for every <article> or <section> it's inside of, but the other tags (like <h2>) do not.

That is a *BONKERS* decision and it's apparently intentional

"echo chambers" 

Plenty has been written academically about how 'echo chambers' as they are frequently portrayed in media are not really a thing. But I want to add some personal experience to the conversation.

For my activism work, I regularly hang out in (online) social spaces that do not at all align with my views or politics. Sometimes I attempt to participate, sometimes I just observe.

I cannot recall the last time I got literally anything positive out of trying to socially participate in those communities.

Certainly, the *observations* have been helpful to my activist work. But - and this is the crucial part - social participation *has never played a role in this*.

All that participating has brought me, is misery - harassment, slurs, constant argument. Nobody has learned anything from any of these encounters, nobody has broadened their views as a result. The added value compared to observation was zero, nada.

Broadening your perspective by understanding the viewpoints of others and looking outside of your comfort zone is a good thing, don't get me wrong. But the idea that this requires accepting those ideas in your personal social circles is hogwash that only serves to make space for abusive people who would otherwise not be tolerated.

USB 3.0 ❌
USB 3.1 ❌
USB 3.11 for Workgroups ✅

Browsing the #OpenTTD in-game mods, and god bless the queer nerds out there.

I think this is really neat: a map of where you can get to by train within 8 hours from any European train station. Hooray for trains.

An important skill for navigating the internet is reading a generalized statement and knowing whether or not to append "in the US" to it in your head

"Nieuwe medicijnen worden jarenlang getest voordat ze eventueel op de markt mogen komen. Het verbijstert mij dat AI botweg op de mensheid wordt losgelaten door de rijkste en machtigste bedrijven ter wereld, zonder dat hen ook maar iets in de weg wordt gelegd." -- Vincent Icke"

Getting that itch to organize a radical hacker event again. That's gotta wait until after transplantation, at the very least...

shouldn’t CEOs be overjoyed that they are finally earning their money by doing the job of “taking on the risk” as they frequently claim their job to be?

@joepie91 yes, I agree 100%, and it's a shame, and most certainly not being excellent to each other. :|

Does anyone have a good article about the "vaccines cause autism" garbage?

Good = succinct, persuasive, with references for fact-checking, written for a general audience.

En anglais ou en français.


Thank you, all, for the suggestions! 🙂

having a gay little pictochat session on the train with @unlobito & @eval :nintendo_wfc_good:

feels like 2013 school bus vibes all over again :hehe:

Watching the opening talk, and having such mixed feelings. Such a strong talk on the one hand, and yet on the other hand it almost gets 'betrayed' by the total lack of COVID/flu safety precautions for attendees, excluding many of the most vulnerable.

I realize that the people who made or pushed for that decision probably aren't the same people who are on stage, but it doesn't make it any less painful of a contradiction.

Hey, EU should introduce a requirement that full technical documentation, diagnostic manuals, and assembly drawings of any electronic device be made public the moment its manufacturer stops offering service.

Asking for information regarding migrating from USA to Germany 

Please boost. A dear friend of mine wants to move to Germany ASAP and we can use all the help we can get.

How does a language learning visa actually work?
How does one prove financial stability to the government? Especially, in case my income doesn’t suffice to take financial responsibility for her, where do we get the money for the locked bank account option?
Which organizations can help us get more information and answer questions? The official government websites give a good overview but lack depth in critical aspects.
Have you moved from the US to Germany or know someone who did? How did that go? What unexpected things did you encounter that we should be aware of?

Anything helps. Please dump all leads and ideas into the replies. And boost this far and wide. ETA (estimated time until her arrival in Germany) is 3 weeks from the time I’m posting this. She can come to Germany and stay for 90 days without a visa. Until then, she needs all the paperwork to be done and over with and her visa approved. Please boost this! It’s kinda urgent.

If you ever wondered what one of the Elizabeth line COS wall panels are made of (glass fibre reinforced concrete) - there’s a broken one in the Northern line connecting corridor at Liverpool Street

question (boosts okay): has anyone successfully redeemed an International Reply Coupon with the United States Postal Service?

I tried a few months back and was told that local post offices can choose not to accept them

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.