Watching the #38c3 opening talk, and having such mixed feelings. Such a strong talk on the one hand, and yet on the other hand it almost gets 'betrayed' by the total lack of COVID/flu safety precautions for attendees, excluding many of the most vulnerable.
I realize that the people who made or pushed for that decision probably aren't the same people who are on stage, but it doesn't make it any less painful of a contradiction.
@korenchkin That's exactly my problem with it, though - you can tell very clearly that the efforts that do exist, are the results of some specific individuals caring *despite* orga policy.
And it means that none of the things that are *actually* effective (any of: proactively handing out masks, ventilating, mask requirements) are done because there's no organizational support for it, and consequentially there's also zero guarantees for attendees, everything is 'best effort'.
And simply put, 'best effort' isn't enough when getting it wrong is likely to result in (in my case) my kidney transplantation getting cancelled, or dying.
@joepie91 yes, I agree 100%, and it's a shame, and most certainly not being excellent to each other. :|
@joepie91 there's some effort that's not visible on the streams/recordings, e.g., free masks and tests offered, but then again _none_ of the spaces are properly ventilated, and most people don't care to wear masks.