oddities in the train timetables: despite there not being any trains on Christmas Day, TfW have somehow left in a little service from Cardiff Central to Carmarthen
I only found this out when I was clicking around in trainsplit and it spat out the most bonkers itinerary possible to get to London on the 25th
Grappig. Als je @FediTree tagt, krijg je 'n kerstboom met accounts waarmee je interactie had.#FediTree 🎄
Voor wie 't irritant vindt: nu weet je wat er in je filters moet 😂
't Lijkt niet /slecht te werken met accounts met 'n slotje. Als je zelf 'n slotje hebt, krijg je mogelijk 'n lege boom, als je veel interactie hebt met mensen met 'n slotje, mogelijk ook.
En 't betreft recente interactie, gaat niet ver terug!
Klopt veel niet, er zitten bv accounts in die al 'n jaar stil zijn!😱
kinda subtoot, personal
Someone complaining in a channel that I always "disappear for a while and then only come back to complain" which, even aside from the ableism in that statement in its context, tells me that apparently they expect people to have an opinion on anything regardless of whether they know about the topic, because shutting up on unfamiliar topics is *why* I only talk sporadically.
I don't think that is ever going to be a healthy community for me, and I'm not sure it will ever be healthy for anyone else either.
(If you don't know what channel this is about, then you're not in it)
complaining about element
If you want an example of "Element relying on commercial customers for funding introduces a conflict of interest for the broader community", look no further than the Slack-style threads that basically nobody wants except 'enterprise customers', and which were implemented into the protocol despite much more flexible designs being worked on by others
The Fisher Space Pen did NOT cost NASA millions of dollars to develop.
It cost them $0. FISHER put in the R&D money on that.
NASA only bought the pens as off-the-shelf products. They are nice pens.
And while the Russians DID "use pencils", they didn't really like them, and adopted the pens.
See, inhaling graphite dust and wood shavings in freefall is not that healthy.
There are a LOT of stories about "government waste" that are basically just bullshit, like this one. Be aware.
what's a relatively reliable (± 10% is okay) CO₂ sensor that costs less than 30 €? i just want to know when to open the window but the random 20 € sensor i got is absolute garbage
RE: https://very.tastytea.de/notes/a1q8botp7z
I updated my bio. I am still interested in machine learning, and I am continuing my own projects in this area, but this terminology has become synonymous with an ideology and culture to which I am diametrically opposed.
There is great value in tools like optical character recognition, speech recognition, and machine translation (when ethically applied). However, the current regime selling machine learning tools as products is completely disconnected from what I would view as a healthy and productive contribution to society.
I would still like to contribute to practical applications of mathematics in the world, and I hope that academia will continue to support my efforts to contribute in a way that supports everyone, not just a small cadre of plutocrats.
✨ Fijne 13/12! ✨ Wanneer anders dan vandaag is het goede moment onze visie op repressie en handhaving eens extra uit te lichten 😉
Menselijkheid is voor #BIJ1 de sleutel tot de preventie en aanpak van misdaad. Daarnaast willen we ook #geweld en #misdaad aanpakken waarvoor op dit moment te weinig verantwoording wordt afgelegd. Zoals het vernietigen van de #natuur, het uitbuiten van #werknemers, etnisch profileren en #politiegeweld.
➡️ #Racisme en #discriminatie bij de #politie: aan de hand van de verschillende bevindingen van o.a. Controle Alt Delete stellen wij door de jaren heen kritische vragen over de Utrechtse politie, waaronder over racisme, #privacy schending, etnische profilering en politiegeweld.
➡️ #Pride is #verzet: Pride begon juist als een strijd tegen politiegeweld. Wat ons betreft heeft de politie op Pride dan ook niks te zoeken. Ook hier stelden wij meermaals vragen over.
➡️ #Demonstratierecht: #Demonstreren is een fundamenteel recht. BIJ1 strijdt tegen politiegeweld en #repressie, en voor een veilige ruimte waarin #activisten gehoord worden.
In de raad blijven we ons onvermoeibaar inzetten om deze thema’s aan de orde te stellen, helaas nog niet altijd met direct resultaat. Maar zoals altijd zullen we het systeem blijven uitdagen en strijden voor een rechtvaardiger #Utrecht! 🍎 🍋 🍓 🍌
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.