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There's other details, but I wanted to say:


You can go to an item, click on a file type on the right, and you can download all the pdfs, the mp3s, or whatever else, in a zip. We missed you, little bulky! So glad you're back.

In a Wales-first (and possibly UK-first?) I've created a micro-server for Mastodon to enable local primary school children to explore social media in a safe environment. It's not connected to any other server, so only children and teachers from that school can create an account.

I'll be sharing my experiences in a blog post in due course, in case it's of interest to others. Would love to have another Welsh language primary school interested so we could have multiple schools collaborating!

“Neemt u bij het verlaten van de trein uw eigendommen mee”

This VIRM is mine I take it thanks!

accidentally triggering the cursor enlargement in kde plasma and then feeling compelled to keep shaking the cursor to keep it being large, like i’m doing keep ups

i released the first version ever of my open source painting program, it's still in early stage but it has the following features:

- No AI, this is a program for real artists
- 100% native, no Web, no Qt, no GTK, no dear imgui
- Advanced Layer System
- Infinite Undo History
- GPU Accelerated Canvas View
- Brush Engine similar to popular manga software
- Bucket Fill with gap closing (proof of concept)


#gamedev #indiedev #opensource #linux #mastoart #furry #art


The political unification that I was suspecting might happen, does indeed seem to be happening

Look it’s /possible/ there’s some technical reason why your site launch flopped; one that could save your marketing team from the axe. What’s the URL, I’ll have a look.

An “A” record. How quaint. Where’s your quad?

No, Eye Pee Vee Four may have been good enough for Jesus but it is NOT good enough in the year of our lady twenty twenty nine. The only countries that still use vee four are Liberia, Myanmar and the United States of America. Both of them. In the entire rest of the world, including South of the Concord Wall in Greater Mexico, it’s vee six or go home.

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #BonusEdition

Really enjoying reading this 1993 thesis about how the theories of Linnaeus, Newton and Lavoisier met with very different concepts of matter stemming from Buddhism, Confucianism and Japanese medicine, via the unlikely bridge of Dutch chemistry textbooks that entered Japan via the trading post at Deshima.

#togotsukahara #systemsthatmatter

Jesus, I have written a *lot* of stuff over the years. Porting all this stuff over to my Bookstack is going to take forever...

"LLMs are helpful with boring, repetitive work"

I can't help wondering if, in the long run, the better strategy is to address the repetition?

#TechTip you can enable manual adding of search engines in #Firefox by adding this variable in about:config:

`browser.urlbar.update2.engineAliasRefresh` as `true`

Then in the search settings on about:preferences#search a new "Add" button will appear

Oh btw you can actually download any file from Google Maps in full resolution (and with original file name 💀) easily

All you need to do is to click "Report a problem" in the dropdown menu next to image's author

File loaded on the page that will open is a raw uploaded JPEG with just the metadata stripped lol

#TechTip #Google #GoogleMaps

dreams (2) 

For those curious: yes, cohesive dreams are normal and common for me. But usually it's like being in an exciting movie, not an unscheduled disaster drill 😐

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“the trans broadcast protocol”
i thought we called it activitypub but alright

dreams, unpleasant 

Apparently my brain decided to do an unannounced simulation and review of "having a stroke" in my dreams, and concluded that my response time and procedure are insufficient for rescue.

Gee, thanks brain.

Their claim is that regular Synapse will also get performance improvements, just only the ones for small instances, which might have been a credible claim if it weren't for the fact that I *am* on a small instance and it performs like shit just because I'm in a lot of rooms, which incidentally has always been the metric for "big instance" with Matrix, so y'know

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.