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lmfao, Element now has a proprietary version of Synapse that gets performance improvements, guess we plebs get stuck with the slow one

Honestly one thing I enjoy about retrotech is that it's static. I never have windows 95 autoupdate on me and suddenly there's copilot or recall.

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OH: "By that definition, every video game is either tetris or chess"

Soliciting opinions on Bookstack! Please tell me what you love, hate, or otherwise about it!

I hope that now and forever every CEO and corporate executive, corporate board member, and Wall Streeter lives in fear of the direct consequences of their actions which harm consumers, their employees, or the public at large.

It would be just and fair.

It's truly stunning to even attempt to explain, what #congress is to people that don't know.

Like there's this event with hackers and they have a whole radio telephone network but you can also use your smartphone, because the venue has a mobile network too and ... 🤯

You will save more lives by being an ear* and a shoulder and helping hands digging garden rows, than a megaphone for your own anxiety, a great deal of the time.

This is hard if you're young and this is your first time experiencing this cycle.
It's hard if you're older and not used to being threatened.
It's hard if you're white and not used to not being centered.
But you've gotta practice.

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We're in that phase again. Get there every time something Scary happens.
Trying to invent new resistance on the fly, urgently, is not *helpful.*
If you feel desperate and disconnected.
If you feel like you need to swing in and save the day in order to be meaningful.
Your job is to show up in communities and listen.
You don't lead by showing up at the end of the beginning.

@FirstProgenitor this is going to sound insane but I had a dream that you posted an image of a house and for some reason I boosted it and then you replied to me with “I’m legally entitled to your house now” and showed up on my doorstep

Me, being very smart and proactive: I'll write down notes about this coding idea so when I get to implementing it I can read them and remember my thought process

Me, later, reading the notes: what the fuck was I talking about, what the fuck does any of this mean

What is with websites these days fading content in as you scroll down? It's like someone looked at an N64 game and was like, know what this ecommerce site needs, distance fog

How to tell that someone works in software security: when they evaluate software options, they don't look for the software without any security issues, but for the one whose security issues most credibly look like genuine oversights rather than negligence

Question for people who do on the ground organizing — is there a reason that so many action requests come day of or with less than 24 hrs notice?

I can’t make arrangements to attend a rally when I hear about it 2 hrs before and I often need a day or two to research and craft a message to my electeds.

It’s very stressful for me, but this happens so frequently I figure it’s purposeful. I’d just love to know why?


the assassin, question 

So uh, do we believe that the guy who got arrested is actually the shooter?

De Belgen hebben ‘boekenstouw’ dit jaar tot nieuw woord uitgeroepen. Het ‘ontbreekwoord’ noemen ze het.

Betekenis: de stapel boeken die je nog moet lezen. Vertaling van het Japanse woord ‘tsundoku’.

Twitch's version of a wrapped report dropped and... hmm... I've become really, really uncomfortable with the idea of distilling things down to numbers so flippantly. Especially in a space where distilling things down to numbers then tying those numbers to success and even money is a lever for abusive practices.

If there's anything I've learned from a lifetime of constructing metrics, alerts, and statistical models it's that you never measure just what you think you're measuring. Any distillation is lossy, and frequently abusively and deliberately so.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.