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It's a pretty inexpensive way to freeze the world and play with composition and lens options.

I also kinda miss my widescreen monitor because it was
also a way to play around with very wide compositions. But hey.

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just got my GDPR Wrapped 👀 learning so much about my browsing habits

Talk about family 

"Family" as some control freaks might see it: A group of individuals that you're probably at least somewhat genetically related to that "cares" about you so long as you make yourself fit into some arbitrary pre-determined box and every action you perform reinforces their biases and fragile worldview as well as whatever "news" they recently saw on TV or other hearsay that they're desperately holding onto.

Family as it ought to be: A group of individuals that you may or may not be genetically related to but you've nonetheless settled in with who really values your well-being, wants to see you thrive, and doesn't care about making you fit into some metaphorical box.

CD City.
As seen in my profile banner.

I was looking for something to do with a broken CD player and thought of making a diorama of sorts.

I imagined opening the player and a tiny city magically pops up.

I couldn't achive the magic or popping, but I did scratchbuild a city at the smallest scale I've worked at.

#Scratchbuilt #ScaleModel #Diorama #DrH #CDCity

trans trafficking psa 

🦾to trans people fleeing to new locations

Trafficking is a safety concern. Here are some ways to try to avoid it

1) have multiple contacts at your destination who are not working together. make friends there. Find discord servers and chat groups. Then there is somebody else there you can ask for help

2) always retain control of your identity documents, communication devices, funds and means of travelling when staying with somebody. Those are your lifelines in case the situation goes badly

3) never, ever let yourself become wholly reliant on one person or org for everything. If you cannot leave a situation without losing all your means of surviving, you are vulnerable to exploitation

4) talk about what you are experiencing with people you already trust so they can lend you perspective

at some point you will have to trust someone and take risks to make progress. there’s no hard, fast rule as to who is trustworthy. Safety is about *redundancy* #gtfomystate

whoa!!!!!!! kudos to DigitalOcean workers for organizing!!!!!! wish we'd learned about this when it happened, but we're super glad it's being reported on now. solidarity!!!!!!!!!

and wow what a fucked-up situation prompting it

the UH shooting, but on a meta level 

I am equal parts excited and nervous about this situation, I think. A lot of people are learning something about direct action right now, and I am hoping that the thing they are learning is "direct action gets results fast", and not "shoot people when you disagree" or "guns are great".

With some luck, this will be a pivotal moment where people realize that others *are* in fact in the same boat, and it can become a driver for a collective push for change, with (generally less lethal) direct action as an accepted part of that.

But it could also go horribly wrong.

UHC CEO shooting, gun violence 

Keep in your thoughts how long this shooting stays in the news and how long investigators "work tirelessly" to find who did it.

There were 45,000 gun violence deaths in the US in 2022. What's different about this one?

(to be clear, this is rhetorical)

Quick reminder that if you liked something made by a human (as opposed to a faceless corporation), leave a 5 starts review.

It cost you nothing, makes a huge difference tho

PSA: don't buy your laptop batteries from iFixit! I thought the brand name would mean quality, especially since they included a handy fix kit as part of a package, but the actual battery was not of the advertised capacity and likely had a faulty cell (it jumped from 20% to 0% when discharging, which isn't any good).

ended up buying an OEM replacement part from duracell direct and it works perfectly, so there's really no reason to fall for their substandard aftermarket parts

want to get some different headphones but know that's actually a political negotiation with my cat. she has no idea what makes a good or bad stringlike thing to eat, and has to learn it by memorization. so every time i bring a new, precious stringlike thing into her world we both have to suffer through her eating it a couple times.

The usual disclaimers about the future arriving non-uniformly apply in this case, like all cases.

People better start spreading "Deny, defend, depose" around all social media

Your semi-regular reminder: You are not your work! You are a worthwhile person regardless of whether or not you have a job, have a "good" job, hear back from places you apply, have interviews, have successful interviews, etc. You are valued and valuable, just as you are.

the assassination of the United Healthcare CEO, mainstream press, and the police 

for further context:

the police found shell casings from the shooting that have the words "deny" "defend" "depose" engraved on them

that's a reference to a book "Delay, Deny, Defend" by Jay Feinman which is explicitly about how insurance companies fuck people over

doesn't seem like a thing organized crime would do or even another corp placing a hit on him

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heres a cooking pro tip for you all: if you cut your vegetables they cook faster

I’m sick of being considered a radical for believing all humans deserve food, water, shelter, and basic dignity. I’m tired of being considered extreme for believing that we as a planet are capable of doing that for everyone. I’m just so fed up with being told I’m “unrealistic” when the available data even supports that such programs work.

I would much rather be considered radical because I believe we should convert all the asteroids in the solar system into rotating habitats and give everyone those basic needs both on earth and in space, and also that would solve most of our problems and I have a detailed 69 step plan for how we can get there within the next three hundred years which is why we should also work on biological immortality so we can all experience wait where are you going please come back I haven’t gotten to the part where-

the “i have recordings of you doing explicit activities” emails went from extorting 1200 USD, to 1300, to 1500 currently. Gotta hate the, general increase in the level of prices in the economy 😔

I'm seeing a lot of people posting about CEOs and consequences, and I have to say I'm disappointed

Let's talk about boards of directors

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.