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If bars can declare that “happy hour” is from 5pm to 8pm with a straight face, then we can have 90 days of pride month (as a treat)

When you are a Wikipedia editor, sometimes you have to help out your fellow contributors who struggle to maintain an encyclopedic tone

SAG-AFTRA is going on strike again.

[SAG-AFTRA] is calling a work stoppage against the major video game companies after nearly two years of trying to renegotiate its Interactive Media Agreement. The strike goes into effect July 26.

#SAGAFTRA #VideoGames #Strike

Your occasional reminder that “this tool frees you from performing mundane tasks” is just code for “we’re not going to pay you for that kind of work any more.”

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“Nearly half (47%) of employees using AI say they have no idea how to achieve the productivity gains their employers expect, and 77% say these tools have actually decreased their productivity and added to their workload.” —

the first three bullets in that executive summary certainly paint a picture

(the picture is on fire, to be clear)

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btw the current tallest buinding in Budapest is the incredibly silly looking headquarters of MOL Group, a Hungarian multinational oil and gas company

it has yet to attract any macros

military mention, talking about bags, caps, making things queer looking, long-ish 

Ok. I just stumbled upon the details of those webbing strips that are on military and paramilitary gear.
It looks super functional for organizing gear.. but the only way to get it is to get icky looking bags that have all been made in "tactical" colours.


I'm officially putting this style of bag on my to-make list, but I know that it'll be a while before I can even start.

If you like making bags, particularly if you make/sell bags, I'm handing this idea off to anyone who wants to run with it.

It's just webbing on a bag in particular spacing! You can get webbing in practically any damned colour you like, and I think that it'd be fun to have "Queer P.A.L.S" gear. (other related search terms- MOLLE, which stands for Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment)

Can someone make this stuff gay and flashy, instead of mean and fashy the way all the existing stuff looks? Anyone who wants a practical modular bag system can't even get it in a decently bright colour as of now.

#sewing #bags #gear #fashion

what an incredible reason to have to remove your game from sale

honestly respect to the developers for admitting that and pulling it

tangent, re: adventures in game development 

I do wonder if I'm gonna be the first one to ship a game that runs in Node.js (as opposed to a browser), though. This doesn't seem to be something that anyone has really explored?

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adventures in game development 

Some things done today: implemented rudimentary resource loader, added automatic texture packing, hot-reloader now shows an error screen when the game throws an error very quickly after restart, added a better GLSL validator that actually gives me helpful error messages, animated my test triangle to test rendering correctness, various bugfixes. Now working on actually rendering sprites on the screen.

Honestly, once you find reasonable OpenGL bindings, there's some pretty damn good game development tooling available in JS.

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meta uspol thingy that inspired these posts

i think $250,000 would actually literally meet every single goal in the mutual aid hashtag going back like multiple years

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i think fundraising for politicians on fedi is a bit gauche when there are so many people in the #MutualAid hashtag who really need help

if you have money to burn on pointless political bullshit you have money to give to your struggling digital neighbors

Graag maak ik jullie attent op de Stichting Samen Naar De Kliniek. De stichting zoekt nog steeds abortusbuddy's, die een ongewenst zwangere vrouw naar de abortuskliniek begeleiden.
Ik krijg hun nieuwsbrief omdat ik sympathiseer met de stichting en met de vrouwen die een abortus moeten laten doen, maar daarbij niet geïntimideerd willen worden door 'pro-lifers'.

Perhaps the most insidious crime of capitalism is that it has deprived generations of their ability to dream in public; a horde of pencil-pushing busybodies perpetually waiting in the shadows to tell you that "that would never work"

proprietary systems cannot be innovative, long-ish 

There are lots of *practical* reasons why proprietary and commercial environments aren't really capable of producing innovation, but those are not the ones I want to focus on here.

The bigger reason why proprietary systems cannot be innovative is more philosophical. "Innovation", to me, is a very specific thing: it is the collective process of discovering and iterating on new techniques and technologies, to make society a little better for everyone every time.

The "iterating on" is important there; innovation is about *collective knowledge building*, about improving humanity's collective understanding of the world in a durable and sustainable way, and ensuring that those who come after us can build on our work to improve a little further.

Proprietary systems, by their very nature, cannot do this. "Innovations" in proprietary systems will live and die with the organizations in which they are built; the knowledge of their workings is secret and deliberately obscured, practically guaranteeing a loss of knowledge when the organization eventually folds - as every organization does sooner or later.

Proprietary organizations simply do not participate in the process of innovation at all; they *emulate* it, as a cheap party trick to impress investors and accumulate more power, economic or otherwise.

For something to be truly innovative, it *must* happen in the open, no exceptions. If others outside of your control cannot iterate on it, it is not truly innovation, no matter how clever it sounds.

what does a julia need to do to find a job that is completely async and doesn't force a neurotypical sleep schedule

I really appreciate it when library developers specify upfront in the documentation what their design goals and non-goals are.

Even when they don't match what I'm looking for, it immediately tells me whether it's what I need, and saves me a lot of time and frustration!

: what would be a good, concise term for "grassroots initiatives to build alternative social structures founded on radical principles, focusing on the 'building up' and mutual social support part rather than the 'tearing down' part?"

I'm looking for something less specific than 'mutual aid', also encompassing the somewhat more abstract and semi-centralized movements, but not including institutional efforts.

(If they give you some evasive non-answer about how it 'depends' and they've never talked about mutual aid before, the answer is most likely "zero", by the way)

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Normalize asking your well-off friends at prestigious tech companies what their mutual aid budget is

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