adventures in game development 

Just implemented rudimentary hot-reloading for my game engine in like 15 minutes 😁 This sort of thing is why I am excited about doing (non-web) game development with JS

adventures in game development 

Some things done today: implemented rudimentary resource loader, added automatic texture packing, hot-reloader now shows an error screen when the game throws an error very quickly after restart, added a better GLSL validator that actually gives me helpful error messages, animated my test triangle to test rendering correctness, various bugfixes. Now working on actually rendering sprites on the screen.

Honestly, once you find reasonable OpenGL bindings, there's some pretty damn good game development tooling available in JS.


tangent, re: adventures in game development 

I do wonder if I'm gonna be the first one to ship a game that runs in Node.js (as opposed to a browser), though. This doesn't seem to be something that anyone has really explored?

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tangent, re: adventures in game development 

@joepie91 gamedev tycoon was written in nw.js, a precursor to electron

tangent, re: adventures in game development 

@bram Right, and I know there's a bunch of games that ship an Electron, but those crucially are all Chromiums/Webkits of some sort; instead I'm directly using SDL and OpenGL from Node, there's no browser engine involved at any point

tangent, re: adventures in game development 

@joepie91 oh damn! yeah that deffo sounds more unique for sure

tangent, re: adventures in game development 

@bram I'm using and, in case you're curious - they seem to be the only maintained and up-to-date bindings :p

tangent, re: adventures in game development 

@bram (This is mainly because I'm not really comfortable shipping a vendored copy of something as complex as a browser engine for a game, which is relatively unlikely to get timely updates)

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