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re: public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

Current hypothesis on the point of origin is , though there's really not enough data yet to confirm this.

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if anyone has advice on living with asthma please let me know, and I think it's finally time to start using the steroid inhaler my doctor gave me a prescription for when I was having constant attacks

(like a week after I got the prescription I stopped having a tax for three or four months so I didn't bother to avoid the side effects)

public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

I am now aware of 3 separate, geographically distributed cases of head lice infections among folks that are involved in a queer hacker community somehow.

This is beginning to look like a pattern, especially considering how comparatively rare these infections are among adults. So I wonder if we may have a little public health issue on our hands.

I don't know the exact scope, but if you belong to that community, *especially* in or around Germany, please check for head lice! They are generally not harmful, but become very itchy and annoying over time.

(Note: if you find lice elsewhere on your body, instead of your head, talk to your doctor first! Those are different lice, and may be carrying diseases depending on region. Do not try to DIY this.)

If you find lice:
1. Prefer using a lice comb, and conditioner or lice shampoo, to carefully remove lice daily over a span of 14 days. This can be self-administered, or by someone else, but follow the instructions that come with the comb. Available at local pharmacies.

2. If this does not work for you for some reason (eg. uncooperative hair), consider using Prioderm/dimeticon, available at pharmacies. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, this is somewhat finicky stuff to use.

3. If that doesn't work for your hair either, an experimental option (that we've had a lot of success with here) is DIY heat treatment using a hairdryer, drying out the lice and killing them. Heat the (dry) hair, especially near the scalp, as long as you can without hurting. Blow from *under* the hair. Repeat daily for 14 days, and comb what you can.

For any of these treatments, if you still find lice (alive or otherwise) after the treatment period, keep repeating the treatment until you don't. Do not skip days - you'll have to start over. Note that lice can be very small and difficult to see!

… ik vind daar wel wat van:
1. Door deze wijze van bellen werkt de #Rabobank phishing in de hand.
2. Het is gewoon spam! Ongevraagde verkoopgesprekken onder het mom ‘u bent al klant’.
3. De man was ronduit onbeschoft in de manier waarop hij mijn, terechte, tegenvragen niet beantwoordde.
4. Dit is een flinke kiezel in de ‘we moesten maar eens weg bij de Rabobank’-emmer.

Dus: als je binnenkort leest dat we een andere bank hebben, dan was dit in ieder geval een van de aanleidingen.

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This quote about #graphql very much applies to a lot of the "modern" #javascript ecosystem. It's a good illustration of how concerns change when you become responsible for your code. Mind boggling!

"as the years have gone on and I have had the opportunity to deploy to environments where non functional requirements like security, performance, and maintainability were more of a concern"

Twenty-five years of Krita today! Join us for a trip down memory lane -- KImageShop, Krayon, Krita through a quarter century with Halla @halla, the Krita maintainer:

Dear computer friends - as information workers on strike at #UAW4811, im trying to think of some digital picketing strategies. Ways of incurring additional costs and disruptions to operation that are within the bounds of the law. One of the biggest levers we have is grading, and UCLA uses a fork (?) of Canvas (bruinlearn). Does anyone have any bright ideas for how to run up a cloud bill? Something along the lines of uploading enormous files to course pages, asking students to download a directory with millions of files as a .zip, that kinda thing. Something thats an arms length shy of CFAA but something that could let our students and remote colleagues help with the strike. Any ideas? Boosts welcome. (I do not speak for or represent UAW 4811 in any way as a rank and file member)

Edit: dm me for my signal if you are curious about such a topic and are not necessarily volunteering any information in the affirmative or negative

Okay this has been playing on repeat for a couple hours now, damn this is good

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a casual "fuck you!" to all those brands who put german flags on their products (presumably because of some soccer bullshit event).

#nationalism brings death and oppression and isn't a fun marketing gimmick.

(i'm a super fun person, i know…)

Yeah MIT Technology Review, I'm sure that's all they "could" be used for and could never be used to kill brown families in the countrysides of those who live in areas that have always been subjected to violent colonial forces. 🙄

At this point, this type of omission (how this type of tech, specifically, is financially viable to research because of its violent military applications) is an egregious ethical lapse and journalists should be called out for it.

Engagement farming accounts can fuck right off

The world is not self correcting. Saying “don’t get upset about things, things will fix themselves” is useless. Things only get fixed because people got upset

Hi! Are you currently organising a panel for “LGBTQ+ ppl” to talk about their “experiences”?

Cool! I cba with stuff like that but it’ll be useful for others.

But are you opening the label membership up equally to “LGBTQ+ ppl” and “allies”?

Don’t do that!

I don’t understand why “allies” need to be included in absolutely fucking everything.

What could you really, possibly say, that means another person with lived experience cannot be included?

Well I know the answer, it’ll be whatever answers you have to the questions that were specifically written to include you and talk about how mega awesome you are as a hashtag ally.

Putting this here bc I too am tired of the term "enshittification" and its erasures.

Like for example when inauthentic accounts on Twitter were imitating Black ppl or being used to stoke GamerGate we didn't hear about "enshittification"

But when everyone else started getting porn bots under their every tweet oh NOW the platform is "degrading"

I love that a multi-billion-dollar corporation like RedHat/IBM can ship an operating system with a broken screen reader in 2024 (it’s not just them, it’s true for basically every major Linux distribution today) and, when you point it out, the response is “it’s no one’s fault… it’s all free labour… it’s FOSS, man”. And then: oh, and this charity is paying for one person to work on accessibility support to be implemented now… Anyone else see how fucked up that is?

#accessibility #foss #linux

June is almost here and the #kink at #pride discourse is back! If you're thinking "gosh, this sounds familiar", I've got the historical survey for you. Leather, drag, and kids at pride, from 1969 to 1995. The interplay of radical & reactionary forces within queer circles and broader society. Pride as polyvocal celebration & prefigurative counterpublic! Moral panic! The Lesbian Sex Wars!

I spent months researching this history for y'all. I hope you enjoy it.

food (vegan) 

what cheap vegan food can i get at #frankfurt main main station? i have maybe 20 minutes, probably less.

hot take about cybercrime policing 

i honestly find the marvel-ification of cybercrime police operations quite disgusting, turning things like the lockbit operation and operation endgames into entertainment spectacles is quite dystopian, not funny and doesn't even really serve the purpose of intimidation.

it's just the peak of corporate and government cybersecurity folks thinking they're the protagonists in some sort of sci-fi action movie when in fact they're just turning themselves into comically pathetic cyberpunk villains

you're the plague, not crash & burn
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