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US politics 

A post from my old account from 2017

Still somehow relevant

What if the robot that asks you
“are you a robot?” is only trying
to find its family.

#MastoArt #Art #Writing

Vegan tip: sinds een aantal weken geleden zijn vegan producten een standaard onderdeel geworden van de wekelijkse themaproducten bij de Lidl, dus er liggen nu constant nieuwe dingen :)

Vegan tip: sinds een aantal weken geleden zijn vegan producten een standaard onderdeel geworden van de wekelijkse themaproducten bij de Lidl, dus er liggen nu constant nieuwe dingen :)

Tech reporters stop casually mentioning that companies are Chinese-owned

The new OpenAI “safety and security” committee is staffed by the CEO, 3 directors and 4 “heads of”, as well as its chief scientist. Even though the CEO is not the chair of the committee everyone reports to the CEO. This is true for everyone in a company eventually, but a lot more for the people in this committee, and a lot more directly.

So eh. Yeah. You can’t even call this smoke-and-mirrors or cloak-and-dagger drama. No 3D chess here either. They’re not even trying. That’s how little they care. And of course all the media outlets proudly stating how good this all is.


Ik vind het wel heel curieus dat alle vriendjes van Wilders een partijkaart van de PvdA hebben of gehad hebben. Dat was toch de grootste vijand?

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(Of note: of these parks, Disneyland Paris is the only park with a paid fastpass system)

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These statistics all come from, which aggregrates queue statistics from many parks; I'd recommend looking there if you want the full data.

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For no particular reason: here are the average maximum-queue times for the three biggest theme parks in Europe (10 busiest rides only), in 2023.

Some interesting insights about capacity planning to be gleaned from this; visitor numbers from 2019 are 9.8 million for Disneyland Paris, 5.8 million for Europa Park, and 5.4 million for the Efteling, so not *that* far removed.

@futurebird As a dropout I'm an autodidact, but I don't think that anyone can follow in my footsteps anymore because the academic Internet no longer exists (or can't be found, where it does). There are other ways to learn, but people will have to be fervent (maybe not more or less than me, but in a different way).

Some day soon a child will ask “what is the smallest ant in the world?” and discover that, unless they want to become an expert they simply can’t know.

This is the death of polymaths— a hurdle for interdisciplinary learning— and a return to a kind of human gatekeeping for real information: you best ask someone qualified if you are not expert enough to tell on your own. (this was already true for contentious topics, but now it will be everything)

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Once you could count on some things posted online probably being true because, well, why would anyone bother to put out misinformation about a topic so obscure or uncontroversial? now the simple fact that someone might want to know a bit of information makes it worth faking if it can get their eyeballs on an ad— or improve the search ranking for some company. The harmless act of *being curious* about the world causes misinformation to spring to life. We have made wanting to learn destructive.

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Today I went to the store to pick up yeast, and I came home with:
- radishes
- daikon
- carrots
- bathroom spray cleaner
- vinegar
- basil seed and honey soda
- milk
- fennel
- a bookmark
- a tiny little Vaseline

..what I did not come home with:
- yeast.

Where the #ICQ „Uh-Oh“ sound really came from: Not Worms or Lemmings, as some are telling you. Instead Windows 3.0 MultiMedia Edition from 1991 contains the exact same sample as „ohoh.wav“. #retrocomputing #windows #1990s

There's something very sad about reading "there was no money in giving water we extracted from the air to drought-ridden people so we're selling it to hotels instead"

@flexion There is something surreal in this big-ass architectural diagram to power a tamagotchi

nothing funnier to me than seeing a huge-ass raven in a movie or video game and then it opens its beak and it lets loose the puny little squeak of an American crow

Any #gamedev got reccommendations for image viewing software? I want something where I can browse a library of pngs with transparency easy to discern and nearest neighbor rendering allowing zooming in real close even on lower resolutions. Preferrably FOSS.

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