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🤔 Are there any decent train station design/management games? Think Airport CEO, but trains. :boost_requested:

(Note: I *don't* mean train *route* management games, so Transport Tycoon-likes do not qualify)

ProRail: We need to do a technical investigation on the railway line between Den Haag and Rotterdam Centraal!
Everybody: when?
ProRail: Monday between 7:30 and 8:15!

*chaos ensues*

Has anyone written a regex to wasm compiler yet because that’s exactly the sort of thing I would want to write.

nothing is universally accessible, though some things are near-universally inaccessible.

conflicting access needs are what happens when two disabilities, or even two instances of disabilities broadly considered "the same", have needs wherein one cannot be fulfilled in the same space at the same time as the other.

some examples of this include:
- folks who need quiet time and a lack of loud interruptions vs folks who need to make loud noises or cannot control doing so via tics and such
- ppl who need light mode vs ppl who need dark mode
- ppl who need linux vs mac vs windows' various features (ie, screen reader support vs deep customizability and ability to change how everything functions, not having intrusive UI changes forced upon you every update, etc)
- needing specific content warnings vs needing to be able to talk about things that are fundamental to your everyday life without slapping a warning on every other post

this concept is a big reason why providing more *choice and autonomy* is an improvement on accessibility in many cases. and, of course, every space can stand to be more accessible.

like, linux SHOULD have more screen reader support and many more accessibility features, just as windows SHOULD stop putting fucking ads in people's faces and fucking with privacy And And And etc. a space full of lots of loud things or expecting many people should have quiet spaces for rest where u can escape the noise.

but i think it's utterly unhelpful to think about these things as "this space is accessible!"

accessible to whom? how? you cannot simply say something is More Accessible than another thing without specifying who it's accessible to.

Random reminder that if your project has a Code of Conduct, but it is not enforced, then your project does not have a Code of Conduct.

I haven't commented on the latest idiocy w.r.t. Google & their "AI summaries." But I honestly don't have anything left to say. We wrote all the papers to be written & gave all the warnings to be given.

Maybe they'll all destroy each other chasing this AGI dream of theirs🤷‍♀️

I’m immune compromised - would you mask for me?

“No! Stay home forever!”

I can’t stay home I need food - can I order in?

“Do it yourself! It’s entitled and privileged to get delivery! SURELY you can use a microwave!”

I’ve got a family member to help me.

“Don’t be a burden!”

I need the hospital so I’m going to wear a respirator.

“Haha that’s illegal now!”

This is genuinely how it feels to be a high risk disabled person in society right now. It’s not enough that the loudest voices won and governments basically dismantled all covid protections, reporting tools, testing etc… they still scream at us for trying to protect ourselves. We stay home and rely on gig economy & delivery services and we’re exploiting others. We ask people to mask and we’re tyrants. We try to mask ourselves and we’re mocked and teased and now at least one US State is actively trying to criminalize medical masks.

Yet whenever I bring up eugenics I’m shouted down and told I’m exaggerating - despite the fact that a large portion of society very clearly doesn’t want disabled people to survive (and they certainly won’t lift a finger to help us).

It feels terribly bleak and I wish the “my freedom” crowd would recognize that disabled people are the canaries in the coal mine. Governments won’t stop with us. We’re just unlucky enough to be first.

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCautious #sarscov2 #maskup #WearAMask #CleanAir #Pandemic #Disability #accessibility #DisabilityRights #N95s #Ableism #CommunityCare #Eugenics #MaskBan

hot take, FOSS development 

Or to put it more succinctly: build for people who would be more likely to use Excel, than to use Python.

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hot take, FOSS development 

If you have copious amounts of time (and interest) to work on FOSS for free, probably the most impactful thing you can do with that time is to build accessible unopinionated development tools - tools that save people who want to make their own things *a lot* of time and work without imposing a particular design or objective on them.

This will do a lot more to actually make it *possible* for marginalized folks to get involved with software development (and, to a degree FOSS) than an 'outreach campaign' for your high-spoons project (which was likely designed to meet the needs of privileged folks) ever will.

Opinionated tools are not very useful - if you're privileged, you will be building tools that solve problems of privileged people. High-effort-to-use tools are not very useful here either - the point here is to actually make development *more* accessible.

Which means: unopinionated, accessible, easy to use *and maintain*, well-documented, and well-supported. Yes, those are the thankless parts of the work, and they don't get nearly as much hype as shiny features do.

Trying a new code comprehension technique called "deleting code until I understand it"

Waymos have a DNS button and I am terrified about what might happen if you press it

you’re supposed to register your private jets with a company in Malta with a name like “Executive Services International” and then just fly wherever you want. at least that’s the impression i got picking things up with an ads-b receiver.

Is there a portable CO2 monitor that works but is less expensive than the Aranet 4?

I'm so sick of "big men" enamored of the trappings of power & anyone impressed with them. I'm sick of the mystique of "all he had to do was wave a finger & you were dead" & that is supposed to be impressive rather than terrifying & childish. I'm sick of their entourages, and the way they stick out their lips, pout, posture, bluster. The way they use other people as decorations.

They way they lie to your face as a power play.

It's all... so embarrassing for the human animal of which I am one.

Just because programming CAN be involved in many fields doesn't mean that programming skills make you qualified in every field.

Something a lot of tech nerds really need to learn.

I'm going to say this again. I am totally uninterested in workarounds and hacks to try bypass Google's horrible AI Overviews. They solve NOTHING. In fact, they help make the situation WORSE. 99.999% of #Google users won't know about them and/or won't use them. They reduce pressure on Google to actually fix these systems. And of course, Google can choose to block them at any time.

My recommendation is to stop thinking in terms of "techies 'tricking' Google" and start thinking in terms of the policy efforts required to make things better for ALL users. Get off the techie high horse and start thinking about people beyond our tech communities, and the impacts that Big Tech is having on them in increasingly negative ways.

them> I’m so mad that people like you care more about social politics than being good for nix; this is how nix will languish and die

also them> hey your fork has been been super productive; how do you do it? (*aggressively merges cherry-picks from lix*)

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