hot take, FOSS development 

If you have copious amounts of time (and interest) to work on FOSS for free, probably the most impactful thing you can do with that time is to build accessible unopinionated development tools - tools that save people who want to make their own things *a lot* of time and work without imposing a particular design or objective on them.

This will do a lot more to actually make it *possible* for marginalized folks to get involved with software development (and, to a degree FOSS) than an 'outreach campaign' for your high-spoons project (which was likely designed to meet the needs of privileged folks) ever will.

Opinionated tools are not very useful - if you're privileged, you will be building tools that solve problems of privileged people. High-effort-to-use tools are not very useful here either - the point here is to actually make development *more* accessible.

Which means: unopinionated, accessible, easy to use *and maintain*, well-documented, and well-supported. Yes, those are the thankless parts of the work, and they don't get nearly as much hype as shiny features do.


hot take, FOSS development 

Or to put it more succinctly: build for people who would be more likely to use Excel, than to use Python.

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