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operating rule: you will steer towards whatever you are looking at. observe and note the hazard, then keep your eyes on the safe path.

do not stare into the void unless you wish to go there.

anyway they've released a coding challenge which, like, people who understand information theory will be aware that the thing they're asking for is unlikely to be possible...

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Oh, you thought that microcoasters were just an RCT shitpost?

It occurs to me that half of their annual report seems to about accessibility in the various different interpretations. Physical accessibility, financial accessibility, sign language...

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Ya know, I ❤️ Mastodon because I actually get to see art by artists I can’t see anywhere else. Because they’re usually buried underneath an algorithm that serves only to make money for the platform.

I wouldn’t have discovered SO MANY genuine, talented, authentic, smaller-scale artists anywhere else. Because I’d never have seen them. Because those sites only privilege success.

You want to find new art? Fresh artists? Raw talent? Look on Mastodon.

#art #ArtistsOnMastodon #artistlife #MastoArt

it has been zero days since foone has opened up some old tech and accidentally gotten information she was not supposed to have.

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Oh, you thought that microcoasters were just an RCT shitpost?

covid stuff, re: food, non-vegan 

Also, bonus points for not hesitating at all and seating me in an otherwise unused area of the restaurant after I asked to be far away from other people for COVID safety reasons

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food, non-vegan 

By kidney diet standards, honestly, this was a king's breakfast.

(The custom breakfast that the Efteling/Bosrijk people cooked up for me to stay within my salt/potassium restrictions)

I need my students to understand that to get away with openly committing blatant plagiarism you have to be a billion dollar megacorporation, which they are not

Ik hoor al jaren -over wetgeving als cameratoezicht, fouilleren, sleepwet, etc- "Vertrouw je de regering dan niet?"

Waarop het standaardantwoord altijd is: "De vraag is: vertrouw je de regering die er over tien jaar zit?"

Deze term ga ik overnemen. #OrbánTest #Orbán #ViktorOrbán

Let op: volgende week opnames Te Land, Ter Zee En In De Lucht in de Efteling; met open tribune voor parkbezoekers.

fictional robots have often been neurodivergent coded, so it's no wonder that neurodivergent people end up writing 2000 char posts about how they wish to be a robot

Let op: volgende week opnames Te Land, Ter Zee En In De Lucht in de Efteling; met open tribune voor parkbezoekers.

Fedi, help me!

Trying to find a Youtube vid, from at least 5 years ago, maybe much older. The concept was that the writer and animator from the channel had swopped places for a vid, so we were seeing what the writer had drawn based on the artist's script. The "story" was just a character going round and seeing a bunch of stuff that was really hard to draw; I don't remember them all, but one I do remember was the character saw 1,000 (1,000,000?) triangles, each with distinct lengths and angles.

#help #helprequest #youtube

Are you blind? Have you heard of the commandline, but don't know what it means or how to use it? I recorded a tutorial that shows how to use a popular commandline utility called YT-DLP to download the audio version of a video with a screenreader, and how you can apply this to other commandline applications. This will accomplish jobs more quickly and bypass inaccessible graphical user interfaces. I hope you find it helpful!

#a11y #accessibility #screenreader

I really do resent the hamster wheel of being an adult for how it hobbled my capacity for creativity

Does anyone know where the queer potions emoji are? (Original source, not reups)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.