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the new ayaneo retro handheld looks like what you'd find in a 2007 future consoles video labeled as "PSP 2"

luxemburg railway station: it's the railway station in luxemburg

brussels-luxemburg railway station: this is where you take the train to go to luxemburg

paris luxembourg RER railway station: many centuries ago some rich fuck known as "the guy from luxemburg" built a castle there. then an even richer fuck built an even bigger castle next to it which then got to be known as "the luxemburg castle". it also had a garden and stuff attached, which meant this part of the city is now known as "the luxemburg quarter". the RER railway station is named after the city quarter. it has nothing to do with luxemburg itself and if you want to go there you first have to take another train to a different train station in a different part of the city before you can actually go to luxemburg

For my non-Welsh-speaking friends, this is an example of a good translation. We so often see terrible translations on roadsigns, it's nice seeing something like this. Where the English says 'share with care', the Welsh is an idiom that means 'take it easy', rather than a word for word translation of 'share with care'.

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Is there a word for "creator owned" co-ops where the ownership isn't held by employees, but isn't held by the consumer either? IE. what is Does platform co-op cover it, or is there something more specific in wide use already?

I guess creator co-op is fine, I just don't know if it's actually in wide spread use.

Not linking directly because I don't want to shit on projects I believe are genuinely trying to make the web better, but every time I see a post about "the small web" or a more "humane" web or whatever that includes phrases like this about content: "created without the motivation of financial gain" I sigh so deeply lol

I am begging ethical web enthusiasts to understand what an extreme privilege it is to spend time working on something without worrying about money

Watching a series and the characters are having a "first date" and its in a fancy restaurant wearing fancy clothes and meanwhile my preferred dates are like

Have a chat while
- riding public transport together
- walking through a park
and if that was a positive experience go to someones home, get comfortable on sofa or bed, talk about whatever and slowly move closer to one another if it continues to be a positive experience

I don't get cis hetero dates at all tbh

authoritarian trope: someone will always rule 

it's a crucial component in #marxism (and most "socialist" ideologies in the authoritarian sense) as well as the thesis of capital concentration.

competition would supposedly automatically lead to concentration of wealth (which they see as objective and conflate with power) in the hands of the few, because they assume economies of scale are essentially limitless and centralized control had no significant costs.

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authoritarian trope: someone will always rule 

it is also quite central to #fascism, of course. it's the whole Carl Schmitt shit. and if you spend some time listening to fascists, you will notice that one of their core beliefs is "everyone else is (secretly) either just as fascist as us, or extremely naive".

this is why they are so obsessed with linking everything to bolshevism, islamism etc. because for them, those reflect their own love of power and violence, giving them justification.

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authoritarian trope: someone will always rule 

here's an extremely common thought terminating cliché you'll find everywhere: "someone's always gonna rule, so it should be X"

this presupposes the impossibility of freedom, to shoehorn in some supposedly lesser evil.

this obviously reflects how (state) #democracy works: you vote for a candidate to rule, the option of no rulers just is not present, and it would be unclear what such an option existing and winning would even mean.


It's really amusing to see everyone suddenly hating ASUS. I've been telling people to avoid this company for years and nobody listened to me.

I used to work in repair shop about half a decade ago, ASUS laptops were notorious for poor design and mechanical failures right after warranty period ended.

One notable example was a customer who brought ASUS "Pro" laptop for repair with snapped hinges - literally two weeks after warranty. There were no spare parts, so I called ASUS and asked if I could buy some - they wanted to compete with ThinkPads after all.

ASUS representative literally laughed at me over the phone because he assumed I didn't know what I was talking about (ah yes, good ol' misogyny) and told me to send machine in for repair and prepare to pay up to 2000PLN (450EUR) or f**k off.

When I told the customer I couldn't get parts and ASUS representative laughed at me, he got angry, requested the machine back, thanked me, threw it into our e-waste bin and walked out.

This isn't a new practice by any means. It's been like that for at least a decade at this point.

Just recently Jamie (friend of mine) bricked his NUC and router after installing newest firmware updates. I bricked my NUC 12 Pro with UEFI update from ASUS today. What a shitshow.

So, Iceland's publishing industry has a bit of a dark side that people don't like to talk about with foreigners. It's ingrained in us to pretend that everything is fine to outsiders

But we effectively have a duopoly that puts some effort into safeguarding their unfair market position.

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i was genuinely disappointed a little bit that nothing broke @ work on the leap day. i was looking forward to it. especially since we’ve had a lot of timezone bugs. maybe next time

Unpacking the dishwasher and then making my bed with one hand.. because I'm holding a bag of oats in my other hand.

Why? Because I have adhd and got distracted before making breakfast, so I've been carrying oats around the house for the last 20 minutes without noticing.

#audhd #autism #adhd #disability #neurodiverse

There's something really funny about the Efteling having English names for many of their rides, and every anglophone vlogger insisting on butchering the Dutch name instead

“PyCon has all these workshops on how to get into open source, but it doesn’t have any on how to get out”

(Followed by a mix of laughter and knowing groans)

@brainwane #PyConUS

The game works now but the mod download does not.

I don't think I'm playing a game today

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hackers, in fiction: trying to take control of other people’s devices and steal their data

hackers, in reality: trying to take control over their own devices and prevent others from getting their own data

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