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“The crimes of her ancestors”

I’m just going to link to this little… event… that happened one decade and a half into HER reign.

some of the unrecognized heroes of the #DIY #HRT world are the chinese bulk resellers who know *exactly* why you are asking them to break off a 20 gram "sample" of estradiol from their multi-kg normal orders. shout out to Lucky, ily.

Keep in mind the hopelessness you feel at times is the desired result of the capitalist society we exist in, so we don't fight it.

Every act we do, from calling it out to housing unhoused people and creating sustainable methods to how we feed each other, matters.

We are limiting ourselves if we fight how bigots fight.

And there are more of us than them.

if you have headaches and you haven't gone to the dentist in a while, go to the dentist and get any root canal they advise. this has solved headaches for me and for a friend. no they did not feel like toothaches. yes it is horrendously expensive, but also, you can then sleep again

Arrived at my destination.

It's bloody amazing

Lots of nice people,but also lot done for accessibility. Bar personel instructed in basic sign language, tactile map at the entrance of the venue.

Good seeing friends.

Italian hackmeeting.

Karte von Matrix Servern dt. Universitäten 

Ich wusste nicht, dass so viele deutsche Unis einen Matrix Server betreiben, hier gibt es eine interaktive Karte:

go to gendered bathrooms and replace the signs with two random things like, a fish and a sandal, and watch as people puzzle out which one is manlier

*holds up a mug that says* dont talk to me until ive had my lawyer

the queen is dead. you can no longer lose the game. it's over. you're free

(ID&T Radio used to broadcast hour+ long mixes by serious DJs over FM in the Netherlands, but when they rebranded to SLAM!FM, it all changed to the standard format of "guy talking about bullshit and a bunch of ads interspersed with some EDM tracks")

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It's interesting how SLAM! has been kinda redeeming itself lately with their mixes on YouTube... I remember the ID&T Radio days when it was still really good, and then it turned into a crappy vaguely EDM-y standard radio station, but now they seem to be going back to their roots again

All social media services federate with each other via screenshots

mini software dev rant, pol? 

I wonder whether this can be convincingly explained to people (who have bought into that ideology) by equating it to the saying about "teaching someone to fish", as that saying seems to resonate with a lot of tech folks on an emotional level - an opinionated framework is giving someone a fish, providing guidance on how to select options and what options there are is *teaching* someone to fish.

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mini software dev rant, pol? 

I really have to write Properly(tm) about these intersections between authoritarian ideology and software development culture some day, because this is *far* from the only case where this crops up

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mini software dev rant, pol? 

I also feel like this ties into authoritarian ideology in interesting ways. The broader belief that the only way you can make people do something "for their own good" is by forcing them into it and giving them no other choices, rather than giving people agency and trusting them to be responsible and competent in handling it.

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mini software dev rant 

It boggles my mind how it's *still* a widespread belief that libraries/frameworks must be opinionated "because otherwise people would get lost in the options" - as if "technically forcing people into a specific choice" (with all of its significant downsides) is somehow the only possible way to help guide someone towards a sensible solution.

capitalism, current pol, - 

the entire UK gets more days off for this shit than i get from my employer in case of my partner's passing
this is fine

If we allow such concentrations of power, we place ourselves at the mercy of the moral fiber of whoever claims it, because ultimately they will not be accountable to anyone else. And eventually, either the people put in power will begin to use it for their own gain, as I said, or those who are more ruthless and more comfortable ordering people around (because anyone whose long term goal truly is freedom can never be comfortable destroying it) will rise to power and take advantage themselves.

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