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I'm sure that the increasing amount of spam originating from GMail means that GMail will promptly keep out the spammers from their service or risk defederation. Right???

(Who am I kidding, of course not, nobody significant is gonna block GMail)

if you see foss as an end instead of a means, foss off

I love how most people provide alt text for their images. This is amazing and so helpful. Thank you everyone and keep using alt text!!!

However, while performing a security audit of the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser, security researcher Zach Edwards discovered that while the browser blocks Google and Facebook trackers, it allowed Microsoft trackers to continue running.

DuckDuckGo CEO and Founder Gabriel Weinberg confirmed that their browser intentionally allows Microsoft trackers third-party sites due to a search syndication agreement with Redmond.


Good morning to everyone except the guy running a leaf blower in the parking lot behind my bedroom window, at 7:30 this morning.

Looks like someone anonymously leaked Marble Madness II for arcade...

I am looking forward to the weirdo arcade collector meltdowns

Brain seems to have left the building for today

public speaking 

Me, at the last day of #gpn20: "I didn't expect them to accept all three talks, after preparing and holding them all, I feel like I need a vacation."

Me, one day later: "I wonder what talks I'll submit for Congress this year"

there should be a free hosting service where you can only upload a single html file to your account, but pointing a domain to it is free

thinking about how one of my Gmail accounts is so old it was in the closed beta (back when you really did need to know someone to get an invite and they didn't just give em out)

back when the reaction to a new Google product was "fuck yes" and not "oh god why"

Standard procedure for kids that can't deal with school: referral to child psychiatry, neuropsychiatric assessment, neuropsychiatric diagnosis and medication.

Procedures almost never seen: (1) an attempt to understand the kid and adapt the environment to make things work, (2) holistic perspective involving the kid's entire world, not only school.

This is what #medicalisation looks like.

The internet having become a Space For Ads bothers me beyond words. Not only are we being bombarded with increasingly more desperate and manipulative drivel intended to get one to consume seventy flavors of the same worthless crap, the fact that ad companies have such say in what gets put on platforms to the point of censoring or removing completely normal and/or important words from our lexicon in the places they're most likely to be seen by people who need access to those words.

how did we go from web apis being like "woah you can connect different services and use cool data from them to make cool stuff" to "here's an expensive api that literally just makes the first few letters in each word bold"

Today: evaluating Slate.js as a potential WYSIWYG editor for my website builder project.

I'm really happy I wasn't a traditional student and have always had a lot of interests besides academia cause holy shit
I was talking with some folks I know and

it's pretty boring to hang out with people who only have a singular interest.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.