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(repost omdat ik de taal verkeerd ingesteld had...)

Wanneer je de hoort praten over hoe ze dingen beter gaan maken "voor alle Nederlanders", hou dan in je achterhoofd hoe racistische framing werkt:

pet death, emotional, long 

Poekie has died today, at 16:13 UTC+1.

I don't remember exactly when she came to live with me, but it would've been something like 11 years ago - previously she lived with a number of cats, who'd continuously chase her away and steal her food, and she was a ball of anxiety and trauma by the time I adopted her.

Over the years, she mostly recovered from that, and learned to trust people again - but the panic attacks never quite went away, and eventually dementia appeared to set in, after she'd already been dealing with thyroid issues, near-total blindness, and incidental epilepsy attacks for a while.

For several years we could manage the issues using a combination of felimazole, phenobarbital, and annoyingly tiny doses of diazepam - but eventually that stopped working, the panic attacks became more and more frequent, and the treatment options ran out.

So I've finally had to make the difficult decision to put an end to it, given that there was no path forward other than suffering. It's still something I'm deeply uncomfortable with, making this sort of decision for *any* other creature, and it frustrates me to no end that I had no way of communicating about it with her. I guess it's some sort of sad consolation that most people would've apparently given up sooner, or so I've been told.

I can't shake the sense, however, that after I spent her last two days hanging out with her on the couch, she eventually caught onto what was happening - suddenly wanting to go check out the bathroom and the office (which she always recognized as my 'territory') when I started preparing to bring her away, wanting to hang around with me there for a bit, and then walking back down and waiting there for me, being unusually calm as I led her into the cat carrier. But I guess I'll never know.

I will probably not be around much for the next few days, at least. Poekie has been my only companion for many of my most difficult years, and it will take me some time to process this fully. I'll have to get used to the silence around the house, too.

I might tell some more stories about her on here, I don't know yet.

Hey Colohouse, you know that this isn't how that works, right? Especially when you bulk-send this e-mail to every one of your customers, *including* the customers who have nothing but a $0 lifetime backup space plan because of your recent acquisition 🙃

Ik vind dit toch wel een beetje triest, hoor. Dan ben je een treinbedrijf, en nodig je mensen uit om mee te doen aan je onderzoek... en dan verwacht je dat ze hun eigen vervoer gaan betalen... en de vergoeding is ook al niet om over naar huis te schrijven.

If the complexity of the stacktraces is any indication, my database project is starting to become a serious thing :blobcatupsidedown:

... why is Google suddenly highlighting the wrong fragments of text in the results?

Cabinet building project: success! Small custom cabinet on wheels for under a desk, as a practice project for eventually building some proper storage cabinets for the kitchen.

Managed to go from "base materials from hardware store" to "finished cabinet" in under 24 hours, which I consider an achievement given the ADHD factor :)

humor, A12-blokkades 

Vooruitziende blik hebben ze bij de reclame-afdeling van de HTM :)

A12-demonstratie, politiewapens, Daily Mail link 

Waarom heeft de Nederlandse politie dit martelwerktuig en waarom kan ik er niets over vinden dat ze die mogen gebruiken?

Volgens mij zijn ze bij Mollie echt volledig het padje kwijt

very lewd, nude 

And finally, after much teasing, the conclusion :3

What would you do with me? :boost_ok:

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