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if u take happy pills but ur still depressed?

GABA ghoul

@thufie I think I used this 2pass encoding with ffmpeg. The camera being perfectly still (makeshift tripod) really helps cut down on bit rate without losing quality

ffmpeg -y -i 'VID_20230723_180912453.mp4' -c:v libx264 -preset slow -b:v 700k -c:a aac -b:a 96k -pass 1 -f null /dev/null && \
ffmpeg -y -i 'VID_20230723_180912453.mp4' -c:v libx264 -preset slow -b:v 700k -c:a aac -b:a 96k -pass 2 rain.mp4

@technomancy @SpindleyQ this was actually "shell variables" vs "environment variables" on the openrc docs, but yes, I wonder how many times this pattern shows up, search terms banned from docs. I was thinking about starting a list

@technomancy @SpindleyQ

Lol, yeah... I wonder if this is similar to a different doc I found, where my "add the word permissions to make it searchable" PR was rejected because "they aren't called permissions, they are called file mode"

Or something

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@SpindleyQ that would explain why I couldn't find any information about permissions, because on the page that explains the way permissions are represented, they never once use the word "permissions"

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If you hate Windows, simply switch to Linux so you can hate Linux instead

@genevieve I had covid before paxlovid existed so I can't comment on that.

I had had the J&J vaccine but it was still kinda rough, like a bad flu. I just had a lot of soup, can't recommend soup enough

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"If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound.

"They won't even admit the knife is there."

Happy birthday to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, called Malcom X. In his honour, at least admit the knife is there.

@karolherbst yeah that works. If its stateless, then rollback should be fine.

@karolherbst most docker-based ci systems (woodpecker, etc) won't allow you to start a whole docker compose out of the box. You would need to set up docker-in-docker or else do some hack like allowing the ci container access to the parent docker machine.

If you want a minimal solution to this, a scheduled task that pulls the repo and runs the build script if there is a new commit sounds good.

In terms of a proper ci system that has VM build agents, I'm not sure what to recommend. All the "modern" or "minimal" ones seem to use docker... So.... Jenkins ? Lol

@akavel I was mostly coming from a usability angle w/ "because". Yes you are right the colon that golang puts in by default takes its place.

To give a more concrete example, instead of the error being "can't display user page" or "file '/opt/myapp/templates/user.tmpl' not found", ideally it would be

"can't display user page because file ''/opt/myapp/templates/user.tmpl' not found"

I suppose

"can't display user page: file ''/opt/myapp/templates/user.tmpl' not found"

is fine too but I prefer the former, I think in some situations it makes it more clear / easier to read. Especially for users who might not be experienced with golang and stuff

@akavel great post and beautiful blog!

I just wanted to add that personally, I've explained this as:

> Error messages should contain the word 'because'.
> Like 'can't do x because y happened'

IMO the important part you are commenting on your blog is that we need both the x and y information," because" is just an intuitive heuristic to remind about that

@AgathaSorceress we run one ( )

But reg is by request and policy has been we only create accounts for folks interested in our community. If you wanna hang out w/ us DM me or hit the email on that page


I really hope so but I'm not holding my breath

@quinn they are trolling. Its inflammatory nonsense on purpose because they just want to get under everyone's skin so they can occupy mindspace and solidify their position as top dog in that market

@quinn it got you to talk about iPad. Normally we would just want to forget about that stuff but ads violently force themselves on us and force us to think about product x.

Ads are a way to manipulate culture, manipulate people. This ad is trying to occupy as much space as possible in the current cultural zeitgeist... It seems obvious to me, lol.

I really think you don't understand advertising... Its not logical, it excludes critical thinking and instead operates on peoples subconscious level, because the scientific evidence shows that its more effective to drive sales. That any publicity is good publicity for companies and their products. Car ads don't say "this is a good reliable car", they say "you will be popular and sexy in this car". "With this car, you will belong".

Apple has been doing this shit for 10+ years.. If people who " get it " are going to ditch apple, they already did IMO. I think you underestimate how much power apple has over their customer base.

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