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@quinn they are trolling. Its inflammatory nonsense on purpose because they just want to get under everyone's skin so they can occupy mindspace and solidify their position as top dog in that market

@quinn it got you to talk about iPad. Normally we would just want to forget about that stuff but ads violently force themselves on us and force us to think about product x.

Ads are a way to manipulate culture, manipulate people. This ad is trying to occupy as much space as possible in the current cultural zeitgeist... It seems obvious to me, lol.

I really think you don't understand advertising... Its not logical, it excludes critical thinking and instead operates on peoples subconscious level, because the scientific evidence shows that its more effective to drive sales. That any publicity is good publicity for companies and their products. Car ads don't say "this is a good reliable car", they say "you will be popular and sexy in this car". "With this car, you will belong".

Apple has been doing this shit for 10+ years.. If people who " get it " are going to ditch apple, they already did IMO. I think you underestimate how much power apple has over their customer base.

@quinn they knew exactly what they were doing. They wanted the backlash, that's what makes a good impactful ad

EDM inquiry from a deafie 

@reese I think its officially pop or "eurodance" if we are talking about the original mix from cascada.

It is kinda like hardstyle, BPM is right, 4 on the floor, and the kick drum is Kinda distorted although it sounds to me like they mixed a tiny bit of a distorted kick with a regular kick. But IMO it doesn't have the hardstyle "sound", its got that 2000s euro / dance / pop sound

Forest boosted

Creating, yet not possessing.
Working, yet not taking credit.
Work is done, then forgotten.
Therefore it lasts forever.

Laozi, 6th century BCE, talking about open source

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On Saturday, 5/11 and Saturday, 5/18 from 1–4 p.m. we're running a workshop on hosting a website at home! You'll learn to set up an Apache web server on a single-board computer, then you'll configure Dynamic DNS so your site stays online when your IP address changes. We'll have complete kits for sale, or you can bring your own SBC with Ubuntu installed. Registration is required for this one!

Saturday, May 11th:

Saturday, May 18th:

We will be having a little post parade BBQ at Layer Zero (nokomis area), we will have vegan food, lmk if you are interested in coming !

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Please boost and share, contact (651) 278-5849 for the address

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Come see us in the mayday parade in Minneapolis / Saint Paul!

a common antisemitic trope to be aware of 

@gavi @Aliceenligne

> do not invoke the holocaust or nazism when talking about israel and palestine.

Makes a lot of sense, but

I think its still important to be able to criticize the pro-netanyahu bloc in general.

You probably dont want people reading your message to hear "because of the holocaust history, Jews including the Israeli government are immune from criticism of their actions"

But a lot of people who are very worked up about this stuff might hear that...

@hisaac another tip: when sharing entire screen, set your screen resolution to a minimum, especially if you have a larger display. Will make the screen share less stressful on your computer while also ensuring everyone can read what you are looking at

Forest boosted

added a save feature to this morning - users can now click "save" next to any post you'd like, and vore will submit a request to to store the post in question!!

so, all of the posts that you choose to save via vore will remain available indefinitely, even if the original website disappears (which is really common tbh!!)


Maybe if you run it along the seam between the ceiling and the wall it wont stick out as much?

Another option would be to just embrace it and make a coool pattern with it or something.

Ethernet is so much better than trying to use wifi, I hope your partner understands.

Other options include drilling thru the walls and patching up the holes before you move out, or finding someone else who understands your desire for reliable low latency connections, who loves you more than they love wall aesthetics

@technomancy yeah I had same experience with aws signature v4.

Basically the only way to get shit like this working is by starting from a known working implementation and using it to construct a test case that includes checkpoints at various steps in the process so you can get those helpful error messages that the real implementation can't give you

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Forest boosted

huh. has been having performance issues. after some examination with @forestjohnson, we realized that a particular feed was tripping it up:

i've removed it from vore for now, but haven't figured out what's so unique about the feed that it chokes my rss library up. something cyclical i think??

anyway!! vore should now be lightning fast.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.