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So, I have never used Sidekiq before but Queues of various kinds, distributed systems and their performance issues used to be my bread and butter at my old job.

From the aral post, I think the most important part is to listen to what the server admin is saying about how the problem occurs:

> (you have 23k followers, let’s assume 3k different servers), as soon as you create the post 3k Sidekiq jobs are created. At your current plan you have 12 Sidekiq threads, so to process 3k jobs it will take a while because it can only deal with 12 at a time.

Right away I am already seeing architectural red flags here. If 12 different other servers that I am trying to push updates to are all currently overwhelmed and timing out, it sounds like the entire process will grind to a halt. But there's reason for that; it's not the server who has a lot of push work to do can't do it all in time!!

The problem is that the logic that the server uses to push updates is highly flawed. First of all, an arbitrary limit of 12 in-flight requests max is pretty damn low. I would adjust that up to 1000 or higher. A raspberry pi can handle 1000s of concurrent http requests no problem. HOWEVER I suspect that "worker count" of 12 or whatever it is, is ridiculously low for some reason -- It sounds like each worker is its own OS thread, so spawning 1000s of them could do terrible things to the poor CPU, cause it to spend way too much time context-switching between OS threads.

This sounds like oldschool 1-thread-per-request concurrency. Still works fine in 2022 as long as the # of things happening at once is close to the # of processor cores you have. But when you start having (or wanting to have, for performance reasons) 1000s of things going on at once, you start looking at implementing asynchronous IO properly.

couroutines, goroutines, greenlets, async tasks, lightweight threads, fibers, actors, event loop, epoll, async io, they go by many different names depending on the language du jour. But they are all ways of having 1 single OS thread doing multiple things at once without triggering OS-level context switches.

Key takeaways so far:


The problem is that the code is using 90s concurrency technology

Buying a faster computer wont really fix the problem, although it might ameliorate it a bit

Properly fixing the problem involves refactoring the code so that it can do 1000s of things at once.

Note that doing 1000 things at once is totally normal for modern applications and it does not require a fast computer.

Finally, after 10,000 years I'm able to open a real socket to anywhere I want, from JS in a web browser! Time to Conquer Earth!

Forest boosted


System Memory – DDR4 .... supporting up to 64GB RAM in total

Yeah should be good :pacman:

How UX apathy leads to corporate capture 

@Literally @joepie91 my point is, it only takes 1 person who is capable of giving up their free time in order to get yelled at.
People do the darndest things.

Honestly, I wish more people would yell at **me** lol

How UX apathy leads to corporate capture 


I think the relationship goes the other way around. UX is seemingly perpetually "captured" by big corporations because they are the ones who created it and have big budgets dedicated to feeding it and keeping it alive.

But I think the good news is that due to the zero-marginal-cost economics of software, a little investment into usability for FOSS can go a long way. I think that right now, independent software and usability people who quit their jobs or maintain hobby work on the side while they remain in the labor market, they are producing a lot of great software, and I do see a trend over the years of more and more "permacomputing" type projects popping up, things like Gogs -> Gitea, Yunohost, Owncast, GotoSocial, etc. All those projects have a great focus on usability, and I'm hoping that trend continues. I'm hoping that as more and more people exit the tech industry, hopefully they didn't blow all their top tier salary money & they can afford to bring their expertise and passion to the free + open + usable + community software on a pro-bono basis.

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If your program does this, it's bad and you should feel bad:

Unknown option -h. Use --help for usage information.

@dumpsterqueer When I applied for NLNet funding, they sent me an email to tell me no, they didn't ghost me.

And yes, they do take for ever

@layerzeroevents err, perhaps bad timing to toot this right now as the server is undergoing and upgrade and down at the moment 😅

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experimental: follow @layerzeroevents ( ) for updates on events at Layer Zero, the hackerspace, community tech lab & self-proclaimed kewl-est spot in the midwest

@ironiridis @reese 2/2

I've never really liked code using abbrevs or single letter names outside of tight loops even before I took that class.

And back when I used to work as a developer I would often run into comments that had become confusing or misleading as the code changed but folks forgot to update the comments

@ironiridis @reese 1/2 yeah I totally forgot about the part where he's dangerously obsessed with minimizing function size... Mostly I just remembered the naming stuff. Even if this guy is the worst person ever it doesn't disqualify him from having 1 or 2 good ideas. I had no idea about any of this, i just remembered the long names / explain with names instead of with comments concepts. I think they hold up 🤷

@reese @ironiridis

You answered it yourself, ETA is the word, right ?

You also said it has a unit, and the unit is minutes.

So I'd say the correct variable name should include the unit as well as what the unit represents. Not just what it is in terms of types of things (duration, timedelta, etc) but what it represents specifically:

minutesUntilETA minutesUntilArrival

At least that's what I was taught in school, that longer variable/function names like this are generally better. Textbook was

I think I largely agree with that book to this day 🤓

@reese This is probably at least partially wrong information but I think it speaks a little bit to what monads are good for / why anyone would give a shit about them


I was introduced to monads thru C#.. C#'s iterator interface IEnumerable<T> is a monad. Maybe<T> is like an iterator that only iterates once, so instead of zero or more values, it can have zero or one value.

Just like how one might write => x+1)

to add one to every number in a sequence (without having to know how many there are or having to load all of them in RAM before starting)

One can also write => x+1)

to add one to a number without having to know if it exists or not.

The "without having to know if it exists or not" part is the special magic... Not only does it help prevent null reference exceptions, it also allows languages like C# to build in declarative (SQL-like) features directly into the language. That's what LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) in C#.

Declarative meaning we don't tell it **how** to process the data, we just tell it what we want and it figures out the most efficient way to get there.


i dont know much about monads other than, other than my mom got one put some `Maybe<T>` and `Result<T, TError>` on there an I play em Ah, I think I sorta get what you mean -- similar to how WebTorrent in the browser can't talk to normal BitTorrent peers, but WebTorrent peers running on node.js can talk to both...?

Basically a p2p extension could be developed for ActivityPub so that any ActivityPub server which both supports that extension AND is TCP-dialable could act as a relay for all the servers which support that extension but are NOT dial-able.

I might be ignorant of ActivityPub and how it works but I suspect this would run into issues because most implementations will want to hear about activity on Server A coming directly from the URL they have for Server A -- Every entity in ActivityPub has an ID and as far as I can tell that ID always starts with `https://<domainname>/

Surely there is a way to make it work, but at least from my (admittedly somewhat ignorant) understanding, it feels like trying to shoe-horn p2p into a protocol which was hard locked into requiring TCP dial-able servers very early on in its design. I have seen some p2p activitypub extensions in a similar vein like but how many implementations are actually going to support things like that ? I suspect most of the activitypub developers would push back against such specs, calling them bloated and too burdensome to implement correctly.

But also, such a p2p activitypub project could also include a TCP reverse tunnel gateway feature similar to greenhouse, ngrok, or pagekite. This way the ActivityPub application layer protocol can stay as-is and keep its precious ubiquitous `https://` URLs, but at the same time someone might be able to host a homeserver in their dorm room where they can't configure port forwarding.

IDK. at least thats how I see it. The application protocols (specifically web browsers) have too much inertia and wont move, so we have to move the network for them.

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