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like "digital sovereignty" is such a cranched term because its people (correctly) find that having the internet siloed and controlled by tech megacorps is bad actually but then they're all like "so here's this small-country-worth-of-co2 powered decentralized website hosting system :)"

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and hopefully the diverse set of requirements in the GoToSocial settings stuff has finally given me enough knowledge to refactor it a third time, possibly split to a separate package

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im having Thoughts about form/form field components again.....

the combination of "A.I." and the e-commerce industry is going to be a fucking monstrosity that only increases the huge number of people with massive egos knowing jack-fucking-shit, and accelerates the endless wasted resources they already burn through

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I love making decisions based on which train is first to arrive at the departing station

getting mixed signals, this morning saw someone with a bag that said "I donut like you" but after that someone with a jacket that said "I like you very much"

how's it going little hell square in my pocket



oh shit I forgot Culture Shock was coming to this

really need to get fedifox shield usable so I can """"upgrade"""" to mastodon 4 and then finish GoToSocial so we can actually upgrade to proper fedi software

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updating servers to NixOS 23.05 but it's a big pain, mostly boiling down to Mastodon

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.