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good drinking yoghurt was on sale and I've been drinking way too much of it, like 1.5L in 3 evenings and I have 1.5L more in the fridge

i'm doing this progression minecraft modpack, where you start in 3x3 tiny inescapable rooms (it's called compact claustrophobia for a reason). Just unlocked a 5x5 and it's incredible how big that feels after playing in 3x3 spaces for almost 8 hours (spread over the last days)

oh rather the issue is steam doing updates at 400MB/s disk usage

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ffs my desktop really needs an nvme ssd or something

got Risk of Rain 2 on a whim yesterday to play it with friends, great fun!

The driest praise of javascript i've ever read in my life 

'Most of the people writing in JavaScript are not programmers. They lack the training and discipline to write good programs. JavaScript has so much expressive power that they are able to do useful things in it, anyway. This has given JavaScript a reputation of being strictly for the amateurs, that it is not suitable for professional programming. This is simply not the case.' recently acquired physical space. it must be named something cool.

cyberia space name recommendations?

I’m looking for something:

- vessel-y
- rusty
- original
- easy to say
- maybe russian or a spaceship, or a submarine
- preferably something organic, communal, or something

we have considered many names, but none quite fit right.

european citizens' initiative for universal basic income, :boost_ok: 

for anyone that hasn't seen this:
there's an ECI for establishing universal basic income throughout the EU
if you're eligible to sign it (are an EU citizen) i urge you to do so

food, mould 

ugh there's mould on my lunch sandwiches :|

does anyone else do this thing where they fully zone out and still play the FPS game pretty well, purely on reflex

so glad I heard this from other people before watching, but for the Drawing lessons we had an 8 minute demo video to watch at home, and only at the 6th minute they tell you to "not follow all of this at home, just remember it lol"

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