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If your ideology is named after a person, you’re in a cult.

Pretty wild how common the "your library needs to reinvent wheels at least 500 lines worth or else it's BAD" mentality still is, you'd think it's obvious that small dependencies are the perfect 'do one thing, do it well' philosophy...

when someone complains about all the wasted space on a website that could have content in it, i ignore all their website design opinions forever

it's such a bizarrely common take that empty space is wasted space and you should have information blasted into your eyeballs from every square centimeter of the monitor. please space things out nicely so i can read them normal. i am willing to scroll, that's fine

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the only redeeming feature zoom has (and jitsi works just the same) is that it's based solely around you joining meetings, you can't just get cold-called out of nowhere like skype/teams etc

adhd moment where I have 11 tabs open for the research project i have to be writing and suddenly there's 2 new ones for some random electronics IC

🦾 is probably one of the coolest standard emoji

Pretty wild how common the "your library needs to reinvent wheels at least 500 lines worth or else it's BAD" mentality still is, you'd think it's obvious that small dependencies are the perfect 'do one thing, do it well' philosophy...

sometimes I visit posts on the remote instance and I'm *always* positively surprised how much garbage replies we miss because we actively block shit instances... if we can do it with 2 mods surely any larger instance would be able to do it too

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.