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my first module would absolutely have to be a panel that just plays the whole you've been gnomed sample

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ok im finally going down the modular synth rabbithole because I think I could make some interesting pcbs for that

Leftists in the west: let's guillotine the bougies

Leftists in Rojava: our new constitution has outlawed capital punishment in the region


i am once again asking you to burn all vacuum cleaners

Haha, just kidding. Of course I won't. Fuck that noise.

We affirm an intersectional approach to liberation for people of which free software is one part. The actions of FSF do not align with our goals of empowerment for women. We take an explicitly feminist position within the FOSS movement and freeze preachers can shut the fuck up and face a fucking consequence once in their overpriviliged lives.

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but hey it did get me to finish the hackerspace financial report :)

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oh no i tried out the way too expensive energy drink and it was actually quite good and gave me brainpower so now i'll be tempted to buy more often aaa

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