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and because most people probably won't click the link here's the cat picture in full res

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Once Again Asking Everyone To Just Have The Correct Opinions So We Don't Have To Argue

ugh i have better things do to than argue with matrix haters (like sleeping)

compiled all of today's 135mm lens pics into a neat gallery, there's radio towers and birbs and cat and other random cool stuff

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man my back/side hurts, maybe overstretched doing weird poses with the new lens

it's also suuuper pretty, will dump pics when I get back

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it's heavier than the DSLR body haha, 544gr for the lens vs 530 on the body

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it's not even like many things are happening i look at the clock and it's 5 hours later already

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why is time moving so fuckin fast these days, what the hell

lens arrived and it is Heavy, full metal + like 3 times as long as the 50mm im used to

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