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We would like to thank all the people that took time to send us report.

What we had originally (~ 1 month ago) categorised this was a one off faux pas, the mistake understood and apologies issued.
Upon investigating this incident again over the last few days, we found 2 similar incidents.
The user is no longer part of

We have reached to some of the people impacted, but we would like to publicly apologise.
We do not condone sending sexual messages to people without their consent.

We believe in growth and self betterment, but we do not believe it is our responsibility to host that user while they do the work required to meet basic decency.

If you have any question, do reach one of the mods


Me: "Why am I so tired this morning?"

Also me: *Has a full, untouched carafe of coffee sitting in the kitchen.*

me "why am I /that/ tired"

oh right i forgot to actually *drink* the coffee I made

what the Fuck how do electronics just keep dying around me

my barely used pi zero w? just won't give any sign of life

13'12 and still haven't done anything today, barely feel awake even

If u don't have pronouns in ur bio and I don't know u why would you ever reply to my posts?

Is there a "does the dog die" but for "is this writer a terf"?

now working on margin 'scribbles' as inspired by convo with @elilla and @vy

it kinda works, just sucks there won't really be a way to collapse that red space when the note is bigger than the paragraph it belongs to. And in mobile single-column view it appears before it's paragraph, whereas after might make more sense :/
(viewable on

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*in a job interview where I’m honest*
Am I good at taking criticism, you ask? Fuck no. It ruins my week.

more general page styling, and an addition to the pure css reading accessibility menu: right-align text

mh shitpost 

hmmm which flavor of Hurt am I this evening

sometimes im reminded most foreign people are rather small

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.