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fuck it it's gonna replace nya anyways so just taking over that name

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want to set up a new personal vps, trying btrfs (with it's snapshots + borg for better backups), luks on arch

but it needs a name and that's the hardest part of the whole setup aaaaaaa

my sleeping """schedule""" is wild
this headache will probably mean I get up at 5am tomorrow again (catch that sunrise :blobaww:)

waiting for dns to propagate so I can deploy the initial draft of my new site and go to sleep 😫

damn im really doing a textbook example of progressive enhancement for my new site :blobcat:

- using ::before and ::after so screenreaders and stuff like lynx will just display the text normally

- default values so it looks good without animation support

- css animation

- js to randomize the css animation timings

what if I.. made my new website pastel pink, hmm

really video games are just a cheap replacement of the expansive magical words and stories we used to make up and play as kids

year x was y years ago posts should be illegal I will not be reminded of the passage of time

hah my brain just understands HSL? I just went "well I want a light blueish grey, hsla(234, 20%, 20%, 1); and boom!


time to get smashed and design my new website this can only go well?

pray for my quad im trying something again, and last time that fried the flightcontroller

starting a trophee room of all the techbro follow requests I've rejected

@f0x calvin and hobbes have done an incalculable amount of damage to my yard, seriously, is that snowman disemboweling itself

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.