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I'm looking to improve's (offsite) backup setup, either by exchanging space with someone, or getting (more) donations to just rent space from a commercial provider.

Berlin: We are looking for volunteers to help us soldering the first batch of displays to freshly made card10s. Starting 10:00 am, Grünberger Str. 16. Please DM us or join IRC/Matrix if you can spare some time during the day.

watching series faster than the torrents are downloading ooof

fish, vegetarianism 

I often find it exhausting having to explain why I'm a vegetarian because, for me, there is no single reason. Animal welfare, the evils of factory farming, climate change, personal health, it's also just cheaper. Take your pick, really...and then everyone says, what about fish?


You know what, fuck it, I'm not even gonna keep that one behind Followers Only

Linguistic change over time is not "doublespeak" and using etymology to say that certain words still mean the same thing they meant hundreds and HUNDREDS of years ago is reactionary. You can't use disputed Middle English origins of words to prop up your claims of linguistic oppression.

subtooty maybe? 

hmm, automated script that pulls info from a third-party service and then suspends them, what could go wrong

@f0x you might find this interesting:

These websites also typically violate particulate consent (Look up "Consent must be specific" in the link above) and the ability to easily change your mind ("Consent can be revoked").

The GDPR is a eass of legal language as you'd expect but where the idea of 'consent' applies.. it actually makes sense.

Consenting to A doesn't consent to B and C. I can change my mind. I can say 'No'.

patterns in lgtbq-phobia/racism in countries 

Something I see a lot in the Netherlands is ridiculing 'SJW' things by saying something racist/misogynistic/etc and ending with a "but you're not allowed to say that anymore". Or ridiculing by just combining as many of the gender/identity markers as possible

I wonder if people from other areas have similar or different 'patterns'

Pleasantly surprised with the mobile phone Animal Crossing game, there's some 'speed this up' microtransactions but other than that it's very nice.

fun stuff in XMPP-land:

> Official public offer:
> Anyone who wants us to add OMEMO functionality to Xabber for Android should pay us 1 bitcoin. Adding it to iOS and Web version would cost additional 0.5 bitcoin each. With this, I'm locking down this thread until further notice.

rest of the thread is a wild ride as well

school, bullying, gender policing 

@mxsiege This isn’t quite what I took away from my time in an all-boys school, but it’s in the same area. I’d emphasise anxiety over biology myself - there was a lot of gender policing (mostly as homophobia) driven by fear of being the next victim.

Just realised the nice part about getting hourly wage is that I don't care if something breaks. Because more time solving it = more money

Boss gets a dollar I get a dime that's why I scroll the TL on company time

the dab is one of the best ways to protect your privacy on photos

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.