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hmm, night bicycle ride musings.
How would you deal with proving online identities (better). Stuff like keybase seems quite off since it's so centralized. With decentralized it might be hard to prove it's still you, even after having servers crash/accounts lock etc

(incoherent) ideas and boosts most welcome

Now available with's quote at

They both cache for 10 minutes and then update, giving you the latest feed from the satellite api

Might change the quote every once in a while :)

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I made a nicer version of the earth wallpaper script I had a long time ago.
It'll use the compressed 800x800 feed, and turn it into a 1920x1080 wallpaper without watermark

and hosted version at

For all the responses this got:
No matter your sleeping habits or ""productivity"" levels: YOU ARE VALID

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Hi, I need 2-3 people to read through a medium post in the next hour or so.

You will receive credit for helping edit it as per how Medium works with that stuff \o/

whoaa I just discovered that taking a window-screenshot (with maim) of an application with transparency (alacritty) actually preserves that transparency in the screenshot

Ever misspell ACAB as ACBA? It's actually what you ment to say:
All Cops Bring Agony

I really hate how society has infected my mind to believe you can only be productive if you wake up early. Most days now I won't be up till 1400, and I feel those thoughts really break my already brittle discipline

wtf how have I never thought about editing a quadcopter video to Sweater Weather brb flying some footage

Useful tip for Fediverse instance admins, gab 

Gab actually uses a custom user agent to grab stuff.

Mastodon does the same, but this makes it easy to make sure gab instances can't pull from you!

if ($http_user_agent ~* (gabsocial)) {
return 403;

To your nginx configuration. That blocks all requests with a user agent that includes "gabsocial" (case insensitive)

You can also add other user agents, at your leisure

It just returns a 403 if they try to pull

The Gatsby image loading is super cool, here's a demo with network tool's "Good 2G connections" throttling setting

{cyber, solar}punk have such issues because people only look at the aesthetics...

whoa I just explained copyleft to someome in a fucking snapchat group and they were quite receptive

aaa Dehydrated is sooo much nicer to use than certbot. Had to renew today, and it *just worked*
Certbot was always a pain and kept breaking on random domains

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.