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I saw a post earlier that basically said "the software development world absolutely has its own version of antivaxxers" and this feels like it just further confirms it

Like, how could a belief that is so obviously false once you actually reason through it ("ESM is viable for direct use in the browser"), and so frequently disproven by people still using build tools in practice... still become canonically accepted as true?

(See for the details)

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Like, can this fucking myth of "ESM works in the browser" please die already, I am so so tired of it

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Heya, we did the thing!

GoToSocial v0.9.0 Spicy Sloth is out now 🌶️ 🔥

This release was fun to work on, and we hope you enjoy using it! The project is slowly and steadily maturing and getting better :gtspat:

Big thank you to all contributors, folks who opened issues, instance admins who let us know weird stuff was happening, people who seem to like the code, and people who give us money to write the code!

You can get the release from here:


PROFILE FIELDS will now be federated. This means you can set key/value fields on your profile, just like other Fedi softwares already have, and they will federate in and out properly! It may take up to 2 days to start seeing fields on remote profiles, be patient ;)
Kickass new layout for web view of profiles, including fields!
Initial support for request tracing (
"Subscribe" to an account you follow to receive notifications when they create a new post! (AKA "click the bell" functionality.) Very useful for catching posts of followed accounts who don't post very often.
Automatic remote status refetching to get up-to-date replies + edits.
Performance improvements for message sending: you can now configure the rate at which messages will be federated outwards, better spacing out CPU usage and avoiding issues with rate-limiting.
Lots of caching performance improvements; things should feel generally snappier.
Suspend accounts from right within the admin panel by clicking through from reports.
We added a whole bunch of trans rights to the code 🏳️‍⚧️ The code has so much trans rights in it now. If you don't like trans rights, you won't like this code.

The entire foundation of this field is the most racist shit I've ever seen. The more I learn the more bizarre it gets. And your favorites, OpenAI + co. are most influenced by, you guessed it, Nick Bostrom. "Altman has written about the influence Nick Bostrom...the "father" of longtermist thought, has had on him and his work":

@owl The marketing's industry propaganda on this point has been depressingly effective. They've really made people widely believe that the EU is requiring consent walls somehow, and that the marketers are just the innocent victims following orders.

kinda horrible format though, on export you get a zip file with many separate xml files. Cobbler together some decent libraries to unzip + parse in-memory

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alright, seems I got CAMT.053 bank statement parsing working quite well, definitely seems more reliably structured than MT940

someone should take my brain out and give it a good scrub. think it's broken

And another thing! Sometimes people will put their work frustrations on you when you're disabled and not employed. They'll be like "well *I* suffer through work from 16 to 66, how is it you don't have to, you have no excuse". That's not your fault, they're putting their frustrations with the way the world is and putting it unfairly on you, someone who is struggling through life in a different way.

> Promoting societal goals usually costs some money that could go to shareholders or to pay employee wages

lol, lmao, as if they'd ever pay employees more

Why can't I have a job at the cat stroking factory instead

brainfreeze on the train from eating soy yoghurt 🥴​

good code good code, I yell to myself, as I'm breaking the codebase :bop_cat:

I think I'm just going to stop ever talking about JS or answering anyone's questions about it on here, because the only thing I ever seem to get in return is some JS bashing for good measure.

It's clear that people haven't internalized "think about how your words affect other people" for the less obvious topics yet. I'm exhausted and very much done with this.

Like, it's abundantly clear that I'm just not welcome to talk about it here.

Does anyone know of a well-sourced(!) article or site documenting common myths and assumptions about Javascript, and systematically debunking them?

Asking before I start building something like this myself, so that I don't duplicate work...

(No low-effort listicles or clickbait please, only things that really make a genuine effort at explaining *why* common beliefs are wrong) :boost_requested:

(im on my way to drum & bass on the other side of the country, party till 6am, then train back)

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