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thinking back to the absinthe from 2 weeks ago, that was fun

mh joke 

[ 2261.604312] wlan0: disassociating from 00:03:05:8e:56:80 by local choice

same buddy, same

it's about Jennifer's Body and how Jennifer is a kickass femme bisexual who terrifies men

I think it's been awhile

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The domestic cat fulfills the long established need in the human psyche for there to be a weird little gremlin nearby that you can look at

i have to prune backups way too often.. if only BuyVM would sell me a 2TB slab instead of the 1TB I have now.. but they're always out of stock

just stopped to get petrol and when we came out of the kiosk some dick parked at a pump in a winnebago started honking the horn at us. we got closer to give them a piece of our mind and it was a fucking dog

here, so you can listen it for years as well: Oxia - Domino (Phaxe & Morten Granau remix)

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heard that someone still listens to a song I recommended them years ago :3

also I started on making the CSS variables more clear/tweakable and got distracted redesigning the frontpage... let me know what you think :boosts_ok_gay:

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so nice that I can just change the git commit my NixOS package builds from, to test my changes in production

Machine learning sounds like something you get a shot for at walgreens

printing my own covers for Neuromancer based on the Brazilian edition artwork by Josan Gonzalez. First test print already looks awesome!

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.