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drew devault is like a hose of garbage combined with monkeys on typewrites that sometimes *does* raise a good point, but it's the exception

Holy shit this runescape 3 dev blog article about their graphics rendering improvements. It's incredible how good everything looks while still keeping everything accessible to lower end systems

(also reading the technical stuff like "yeah I know some of these words")

gotta be some cursed iptables incantation on one of the vps'es in the mesh I guess

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before that works though I have to figure out wireguard forwarding.. because my laptop and server are both behind NAT (and when im from home, not in the same NAT)

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this will be especially great on laptop :3 smooth automatic recompiles

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think I have my remote gts devstack working now :O

editing + compiling + reloading all happening on server but I can view it locally in browser on the ip

cursed food 

cooking bread dough in the microwave

wondering if you'd get to see the fediblock post that yeets you off the fediverse


oh no, housemate is doing the dishes rn (it's a weekly chore that rotates), but i'd feel guilty bringing all the dirty plates from my room in now, guess i'll do them later :|

wooooo I have properly running on my NixOS infra, with proper ssl certificates (even though it's internal/wireguard network only), and as a kiosk'ed chrome pwa

oh and the portforwarding/hosting setup for when i'm testing networked/browser stuff to acces it locally

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.