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next up will be moving some projects there, figuring out the workflows

getting it set up on my laptop

and figuring out to work with local microcontrollers from the remote server

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finally working towards mainframe computing again, where all my code and editor is centrally shared between desktop/laptop

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wooooo I have properly running on my NixOS infra, with proper ssl certificates (even though it's internal/wireguard network only), and as a kiosk'ed chrome pwa

repetition, dns 

acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.

starting to think i might have to write a fuckin DNS server for smoother letsencrypt cert checks (in this convoluted network setup part)


yes im sober y u ask, oh the malibu bottle? it's just vibing in my glass

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unfortunately in the NL we have very little brands available, and all the common ones kinda suck :|

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I generated a sorted table of data from research comparing sensitivity of COVID-19 selftests. So if you have access to multiple brands, compare them!

Favorite gender-neutral public bathroom stop hoarding the braincell

I like how soundcloud very quickly fades out the music when you pause, instead of stopping instantly

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.