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dipping my toes into Dutch leftist twitter and it's scary

omw to a city that would be pretty easy to figure out :P


Garfield, lewd I am no coward and I believe in accessibility.

Image depiction:
Image is a digital drawing featuring a fit and large-breasted figure with an orange body and black stripes wearing a gray bikini. The breasts and cleavage are featured prominently, taking up a decent portion of the image. The figure's face is that of Garfield the cat from the Jim Davis comic strip. The background is a reddish orange color. There is text on the image that reads "You are not immune to propaganda".

You have a waveform problem? That sounds like a question Fourier therapist.

ATTENTION: I have found the CUTEST picture on the internet, and it is in this wikipedia page for a cloned, endangered ferret:

ugh i have to renew the borgbase backup account in a week

my dreams were vaguely runescape themed (figures), and things were just starting to get interesting when my alarm woke me up....

It’s an astonishing day in the cybercafé, and you are a god-forsaken armadillo.

yes yes the hat is added in post, magicked into existence if you will

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