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~20ms to add 500 elements of random sizes, while the cache only has space to fit parts of them, so it needs to continuously remove old elements. pretty decent huh

just did a version bump on gURL (gemini cURL):

if you want a quick way to access gemini or debug things it can be really useful

the most validating thing i’ve seen in the few days was a tiktok of a middle aged punk in a forest who looked like he’d been crying who said “don’t get it twisted, this is the biggest mental health crisis of our lifetimes and everyone is doing really fucking bad rn. so if you’re on the edge and you’re just feeling like shit give yourself a fucking pat on the back because it’s impressive as fuck that you’re alive right now.”

i’m fucking proud of myself and i’m proud of you, too.

🎶 We rollin with the times
like a big spliff,

Lava La Rue - TLSL (Stitches)

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