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“Disney Reports First Annual Loss in Over 40 Years”


Ever noticed how reply guys gather to bash on leadfree soldering anytime they sniff some lead in your toot?

cracking your knuckles is a cantrip with a cooldown timer

it should most definitely be either a contest or a fortune wheel spin though @goat

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im sorry if a suggestion of mine ever actually makes it to the Hellsite Notification Sound of the Week

On the climate articles you've been seeing recently on how we're "past the point of no return"

hey has anyone shown the fediverse petpet yet

it lets you make these.

It's cats and vintage hardware time again. Here's Callie wanting attention while sitting on top of an Apple IIe.

1st day on Mastodon: hi everyone, I'm interested in art, architecture, and cat pics!! 😊

3rd day on Mastodon: gonna find bigfoot and fuck him


fuck this is a hard headache, and it did not change at all with my nap either

fuck oh my god. thats nyan cat. that motherfucker just goes nyanyanyanyanyanya

Both of these questions would be much more interesting if football didn't exist.

not directed at reader 

yes im a-social, fuck off


ok given im always likely to fall behind on math stuff this is a dangerous move, but im gonna skip this lecture and watch it later today at a more reasonable time (already missed the first 30% anyways)

time to go outside

uni shit 

also maths tomorrow at 8:45 im gonna diee

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uni shit, some covid rel, some caps 

got a 5 (insufficient) for a course....
don't really agree with their reasoning at all and now I have to propose some kind of additional task to finish before Friday....

fucker had the audacity to phrase "seems like you prefer attending online over physical" this is somehow a bad thing??

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