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offsite venting, covid rel 

please stop using systemic problems as excuses for your own "I just want to party man"
fuck off with that

“Your life is either defined by the system, or by the way you defy the system”

brain fried guess i'll watch yet another episode and then just go to bed

I realized trains are a very good explanation for how Tor works

Let's hope it works on US'ians with their gutted public transport oof

wish Mastodon had a matryoshka CW feature of sorts so I could layer stuff like for example
ph > medical > specific thing

maybe if I would've had the time to shower and/or go outside

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when will they finally design bluetooth headphones to be able to charge while playing...

now I have to switch over to the aux and use two wires :/

Blåhaj poll: sleeping with blåhaj you are:

summer depression comes every year, i just want to dissappear

me configuring a switch:

serial experiments LAN

I thought about it a bit more last night, maybe it's because I feel i'm not applying those skills to anything worthwhile

Like if I actually made something that helped people it'd be better, just having the knowledge is useless

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6:30hrs sleep till my alarm goes for lectures again

does sleep even matter

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