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I realized trains are a very good explanation for how Tor works

Let's hope it works on US'ians with their gutted public transport oof

wish Mastodon had a matryoshka CW feature of sorts so I could layer stuff like for example
ph > medical > specific thing

maybe if I would've had the time to shower and/or go outside

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when will they finally design bluetooth headphones to be able to charge while playing...

now I have to switch over to the aux and use two wires :/

Blåhaj poll: sleeping with blåhaj you are:

summer depression comes every year, i just want to dissappear

me configuring a switch:

serial experiments LAN

I thought about it a bit more last night, maybe it's because I feel i'm not applying those skills to anything worthwhile

Like if I actually made something that helped people it'd be better, just having the knowledge is useless

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6:30hrs sleep till my alarm goes for lectures again

does sleep even matter

realised I'm not sure if i like getting complimented on knowing things/doing things well

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