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ugh this sign-up thing has a few (mandatory) joke-ish questions, and Im suuuper stuck on "describe yourself cryptically in two sentences (with a hidden meaning)"
like wtf am I supposed to fill in

im having lots of fun taking square pictures then captioning them in that yellow subtitle style
such a good combo of aesthetic and poetry

anti logo stuff 

my personal rule: never do advertising for free. if a product is branded and removing the logos is too hard, I cover them up. For gadgets, stickers work well.

some manufacturers make their logos embossed, maybe to avoid this very technique. it's annoying but I find that, at least at a distance, stickers can still reduce the majority of their brand recognition powers.

that feel when you're not sure if you want to be *with* someone, or *be* them

Cyberia's first is a little different from what we'd expected, but we're slowly coming online and tuning in. Our online home is over at feel free to stop by our matrix and chat! :)

financial help for friend, birdsite link 

from a friend:

"Yesterday I lost my E-cigarette and I can't replace it... It's approximately 80 bucks.

On August 1st school begins again so it's just about the worst time to be going through withdrawal.

Any help is appreciated."

think I might make a 'pls hire me' post in a bit, wonder if that gets me any new freelancing stuff

I should probably also update my portofolio site a lot

third rate racist coloniser white man's burden noble savage piece of shit book

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after this exhausting week I should probably catch up on zzz's but I don't want to..

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.