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covid, angry, parents-- 

it's your typical "oh no the mainstream media is fooling us", "it has no effect on most people so it's fine", full of disingenious phrasing and half-truths

what makes me the most angry though, is that this is being spread at an ""anthroposophic"" general practicioner

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covid, angry, parents-- 

mom gave me some anti-covid handout and I wasn't going to read it to preserve my mental health but glancing at the title already made me angry enough that it won't matter now...

kinda wonder if we should change the 'silence' into a suspend

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why do fosstodon people keep sending follow requests without reading my bio please kindly fuck off

today in web-programming for members
websocket? nah we call em WobblySocket

*oh yeah it's all coming together voice* oh yeah it's all coming together

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this mega refactor is like, nearing an end! and it's gonna be such good software :333

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dhlgjhdg I can't find it but that post about finding a lot of gay energy if you imagine doing it for your wife is REAL ;w;

establishing mutualism with the local jackdaws, exchanging snacs for nice pictures

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