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@garfiald poetry is bullshit im sick and tired of it (unless it is a poem about a gay little leprechaun, then its cool i think)

infosec posting: masto CTF team (boosts +++) 

ok so, kind of a long shot i guess but! would anyone on this hecking webbed sight be interested in making a Masto CTF Team and doing like, conventional online CTFs and stuff

college students be like, bro im gonna cook your food and wash your clothes but, not in a gay way or anything

everyone who wants to be cute is cute sorry i dont make the rules

caffeine, dissociation 

im not sure.. why I did this
but at least I could

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caffeine, dissociation 

hah I made my coffee extra strong again and yeah very noticable difference from the past few days

i think my favourite vine is the one where the car honks and the lady yeets the milk in surprise

gender stereotypes, meme 

Aaaaaa, this meme is so true about non-human (and sometimes human) depictions in media, especially art and cartoons. Like can you just not do that?

I'm not even mad bro. I'm of perfectly good mental health bro. Don't worry about me

the inflated sense of entitlement, superiority/colonial complexes that white people possess has and will continue to kill more radical movements than the FBI eavesdropping on conversations

coffee is anxiety juice but I just learned more about grounding techniques and I do kinda want a second cup

cleaning my desk
or.. more accurately: yeeting everything in boxes!

i guess I'm just kinda sitting and waiting for a lot of different things to get better, but most of those won't change if i don't actively do something

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you ever start typing a toot and just keep on adding tags to the cw..

pff and the first blockchain garbo "keybase alternative" has come by

Firestorm Books and Coffee in Asheville got robbed unfortunately, but their response to it was absolutely awesome.

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