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consuming caffeine so my braincells turn into angry bees producing code

so the good news is that I received a package from JLCpcb
the bad news is THAT IT'S SOMEONE ELSE'S PCB

birdsite, Bolivia, bot propaganda 

real interesting what not swarms are doing on Twitter, trying to hide the possibly US backed coup

look at for example. Would love to map out relations between accounts and phrases used

having to go to the datacenter for maintenence always sounds cool to me. My "going to the datacenter" is just walking downstairs to the utility closet and giving my laptop-server a boop

well fugg i started playing factorio and now im addicted

last maintenance window at 19:00 UTC (in 1:13 hours). Matrix and Mastodon will be down while postgres data gets moved to ssd

LVM is fuckin awesome. I could move my rootfs to a different disk, while everything was online and serving services/database requests. Still moved ~120GB in 14 minutes

fork free software in the streets, spoon gf in the sheets

remembered I took this good pic when I just got my new Xiaomi started with a full borgmatic system backup

The migration will be happening tomorrow, starting around 11:00 UTC

services will stay online during most of the migration, but expect performance to be affected (main reason for this migration was existing IO bottlenecks)

During the postgres move at the end of the migration, Synapse and Mastodon will both be down. moving around 33Gb of data from hdd to ssd

then a reboot to make sure everything is reboot-proof. If everything goes well actual downtime should be very limited

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getting as much people as possible to sanity-check my homeserver's upcoming disk-migration, feedback welcome:

tfw you change your avatar and dissociate with the messages you just sent because you don't quite recognize the icon as 'you' yet


after being reminded I should enable kvm (oops) it all works really well. Can now set up Debian unstable, and experiment with a disk setup similar to my homeserver, to figure out how to mess with the RAID's etc

"Did you just lose 100m customer SSNs because your root password was "password", you set an S3 bucket to public or you didn't patch a well known vulnerability for 8 months? Is the media and government chewing you out because of it? Worry not! Our free excuse generator will help you develop an air-tight breach statement in no time!"

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.