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next part: the lipo charging chip, with two voltage dividers (first time I made those!), so the ESP32 can safely sense the battery, and micro-usb input voltages

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new quad video is rendering, hope the artist (Kupla) will respond soon so I can use their music :>

alright; kdenlive does not, I repeat *does not* appreciate pasting video clips across projects. I'm glad I saved because that was a hard crash

all cats are beautiful is the best leftist dogwhistle

Ughh. Anti-cat 'wisdom' being passed around again.

'If you're dog was bigger than you, he'd still love you, but if your cat was bigger than you, he'd just eat you.'

Look. We know what happens in UNDOMESTICATED WILD animals of the same family that are larger than humans and kept as pets, and it doesn't even work that way with them.

is live on!
Plume doesn't have an approval-for-signup mode (yet), so you'll have to DM me for an account

time for sleep, but wew this neurofunk slaps

Forbidden Fruit - A Neurofunk Mix

time for sleep, but wew this neurofunk slaps

Forbidden Fruit - A Neurofunk Mix

is live on!
Plume doesn't have an approval-for-signup mode (yet), so you'll have to DM me for an account

time for my standard procrastination technique: cleaning my desk.
It's needed anyways :>

Now working on the tamafoxi, the hardware is coming along nicely

picture 1: the OLED display showing a cut-off Hello World

picture 2: the back, an ESP32 D1 Mini breakout, with yellow-blue wires connecting it to the display

picture 3 and 4: the battery and additional protoboard being held together by more wires, twisted together

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.